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No Life Day Bundle for 2018?


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I hope this is an oversight and that the bundle simply wasn't released on the Cartel Market as it should have been today, and not that EA didn't bother to create one at all this year. It's not a deal-breaking issue, but it will be very disappointing if that's the case. The Life Day bundle is one of the few things I regularly purchase from the Cartel Market. Even re-releasing the old bundles would have been better than not having one available to purchase this year at all.


(Before anyone pipes up with "We just got a new content patch, EA didn't have the time/resources to create a new Life Day Bundle for the Cartel Market!" - we've been told over and over by Eric and the devs that the content creation teams and the Cartel Market team are completely separate, and that their workloads don't affect eachother. So that's not a legitimate excuse.)

Edited by AscendingSky
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