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For all the healers out there...


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My (former) guild, back before the server merges, was one of the best Imperial PvP guilds you could find on BC. We had some incredibly talented players (one of whom was rated top ten in the world for Ranked during season 3), all of whom respected each other and conducted themselves with maturity in WZs. It was truly an honor to be counted amongst them. As my time and experience PvPing in this game grew over the 5+ years I was in that guild, so did my respect for those who played a healer. It is undeniably one of the most punishing classes to play in PvP, difficult to play well, and one of the most rewarding. Without a good healer, your team will almost always lose. Against a competent team, your healer is under constant focus.


On my last day in SWTOR, I wanted to leave on a positive note and take a moment to thank all the healers out there who PvP. In particular, the dedicated and skilled healers of my guild: Kovixa, Slavish, Aztrak, Bluey/Mixy, Iatric, and others who's names have faded from my memory. I'd also like to give honorable mentions to Visionary in my adopted Pub guild, who is a truly talented healer to both play with and against.


To preface this, my guild recorded a lot of our matches, but as a general rule, we didn't make those public because we didn't want to be perceived as arrogant or Epeening. We also often ran double premades (we had a large PvP presence on BC), but as the queue system could be fickle, we wouldn't always end up on the same team, and in fact, a lot of times we ended up playing against each other. We always played hard and played to win, even against each other. And as a player who only played DPS classes, I was often focusing healers from my own guild whenever we played against each other. So I made a video compilation for one of those healers, Kovixa, as an homage to healers, and out of respect for all that they do to keep the action going and the rest of us (DCD-less PTs) up so that we can do our thing.


So again, this is a small token of my deep appreciation for all the healers out there who PvP, a vintage PvP video from the archives of Grim Determination that has never been seen before outside the guild. Disclaimer: A healer was harmed repeatedly in the making of this video.


Ode to Healers

Edited by Mournblood
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