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Vowrawn For "Canon" Sith Emperor!


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Not sure how he can come back after we impaled him on that space station which then exploded into tiny pieces. Maybe if Acina is good at jigsaws she may have found a way to clone him? Though if she can do that, I'm not sure why she would pick Malgus.


This conservation is reminding me of the storyline I wish had happened in kotfe. I know it's just me, but I wish my character had actually been killed on Marr's ship and was either cloned, or even better resurrected with some sort of ritual or alchemy.


Would've been cool for my sith, especially, to start the story by waking up on a slab in some temple somewhere with like, Lana, Vowrawn and whoever (my spouse?:o yes please) and then rejoining the story from there. Traveling to Zakuul, crashing in the swamp, etc.


Whatever, it's irrelevant really but it would have been more glorious then ramming Marr's ship into the eternal fleet and then.. nothing, we got captured offscreen somehow, blah.

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This conservation is reminding me of the storyline I wish had happened in kotfe. I know it's just me, but I wish my character had actually been killed on Marr's ship and was either cloned, or even better resurrected with some sort of ritual or alchemy.


Would've been cool for my sith, especially, to start the story by waking up on a slab in some temple somewhere with like, Lana, Vowrawn and whoever (my spouse?:o yes please) and then rejoining the story from there. Traveling to Zakuul, crashing in the swamp, etc.


Whatever, it's irrelevant really but it would have been more glorious then ramming Marr's ship into the eternal fleet and then.. nothing, we got captured offscreen somehow, blah.


Well force users can survive the vacuum of space. So maybe Arcann saw the bodies and wanted us and Marr for his wall decorations.

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Well force users can survive the vacuum of space. So maybe Arcann saw the bodies and wanted us and Marr for his wall decorations.


That's true, probably how it happened. I always pictured our companions flying around the wreckage looking for bodies but Arcann got to us first unfortunately. Non force users would've been holed up, maybe unconscious, in larger pieces of the ship, I guess?


As much as I like to grouse about kotfe, it could have been a fantastic story if there had been more time/money to tell it, I think. Anyway, sorry about the derail, carry on~

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Well force users can survive the vacuum of space. So maybe Arcann saw the bodies and wanted us and Marr for his wall decorations.

No, they can't without massive preparation, and the only one who could without one was explained to be able to do so thanks to their alien species being resistant to it.

Until Rian came and broke that canon too anyway...

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No, they can't without massive preparation, and the only one who could without one was explained to be able to do so thanks to their alien species being resistant to it.

Until Rian came and broke that canon too anyway...


Do you know a lot about lore? Resurrections are a thing? Just really rare? Or maybe not? Just cloning? I have so many questions! Seems like if someone could be brought back from the dead with their memories, power etc intact, it would be happening all the time.

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Do you know a lot about lore? Resurrections are a thing? Just really rare? Or maybe not? Just cloning? I have so many questions! Seems like if someone could be brought back from the dead with their memories, power etc intact, it would be happening all the time.


I would just go with cloning, it's easy to explain and it's been done before. (Starkiller, Jango Fett, Mako)

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Do you know a lot about lore? Resurrections are a thing? Just really rare? Or maybe not? Just cloning? I have so many questions! Seems like if someone could be brought back from the dead with their memories, power etc intact, it would be happening all the time.

Cloning is difficult process and never perfect. Most clones of adults in the SW universe are either empty husks (palpatine's clones), broken/borderline mental or their intelligence is otherwise limited due to memory implantation always turning out more or less fragmented (starkiller&maulkiller).


To have best chance on creating a fully functional clone your best bet is to vat-grow a cloned child with little or no memories and teach and grow them like you would a regular child (clone army, they had artificial aging genes to make aging process faster to get them ready for battle sooner). But the fantasy of cloning an adult and have it be exactly or even near like it's predecessor out of the tube has never really worked out in the universe, they've always turned out flawed and with mental issues.

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Cloning is difficult process and never perfect. Most clones of adults in the SW universe are either empty husks (palpatine's clones), broken/borderline mental or their intelligence is otherwise limited due to memory implantation always turning out more or less fragmented (starkiller&maulkiller).


^^ While essentially true... I would offer that it is much more by design then technical limitations (they actually want automatons who will not question orders or procedure, much less have any sort of conscience about it, and certainly not rise up in any form of rebellion at being treated like dirt).


Difficult, and prone to failures.. sure..... but also very refined and mature technology in the hands of civilizations that are heavily invested in it and hence experts in the field ... either for their own needs, or for sale to other civilizations.

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The problem with this is the people that chose the Republic side saw Acina die and for them to use her as the Empress doesn't make sense in the story. Same with Malcom. Companions are a bit different than main characters in a story. How can they honestly use characters that one side has seen die. That is the problem with Acina and Malcom. I frankly don't care who they use, Malora, some other sith, but Acina is not a good choice as my Republic characters and my characters that sided with the Republic saw her die. The same with my Empire characters that didn't side with the Republic they watched Malcom died. It makes no sense story wise.

And? Roleplay is already outside the story and already ignoring the things they've personally done and seen in their story. When two inquisitors roleplay with each other, they've both experienced the same storyline, does Zash have 2 or 12 or 50,000 apprentices? It doesn't make sense to make up a new story since you've seen the cutscenes being Zash's apprentice right? When roleplaying you already have to ignore the class stories, ignore any personal choices, bump your own character down from special snowflake PC status (ex: they can't all be Jedi council members, Empire's wraths, alliance commanders, emperors of Zakuul, etc...), ignore any companion romances and so on. All of it is pretending outside the confines of the story. If you can decide on or ignore every other aspect of the game and story in your RP you can decide on or ignore the Jace/Acina choice.

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^^ While essentially true... I would offer that it is much more by design then technical limitations (they actually want automatons who will not question orders or procedure, much less have any sort of conscience about it, and certainly not rise up in any form of rebellion at being treated like dirt).


Difficult, and prone to failures.. sure..... but also very refined and mature technology in the hands of civilizations that are heavily invested in it and hence experts in the field ... either for their own needs, or for sale to other civilizations.

That would be the case with Palpatine's clones and Maulkiller, but not with Starkiller. While certainly weighting the emphasis of training and prowess memory implantation, his mind was still fractured despite them being rather thorow with attempting to keep his mind and memories intact. They not only failed a ton of times, but the final/most functional version of him that finally escaped as well became severely obsessed with his joyous and borderline lustful memories to the point he pursued little else than those fractions of his memory for the rest of his days. Certainly not what he was manufactured to think/act, it was just an unintended side effect of uncontrollable memory fragmentation.

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That would be the case with Palpatine's clones and Maulkiller, but not with Starkiller. While certainly weighting the emphasis of training and prowess memory implantation, his mind was still fractured despite them being rather thorow with attempting to keep his mind and memories intact. They not only failed a ton of times, but the final/most functional version of him that finally escaped as well became severely obsessed with his joyous and borderline lustful memories to the point he pursued little else than those fractions of his memory for the rest of his days. Certainly not what he was manufactured to think/act, it was just an unintended side effect of uncontrollable memory fragmentation.


Don't forget about the second clone. I don't think it was named but Vader had successfully cloned a dark side version of Starkiller that obeyed him and ether didn't have or didn't care for the thoughts of the other clone. (He appears in the dark side ending of Force Unleashed II.)

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And? Roleplay is already outside the story and already ignoring the things they've personally done and seen in their story. When two inquisitors roleplay with each other, they've both experienced the same storyline, does Zash have 2 or 12 or 50,000 apprentices? It doesn't make sense to make up a new story since you've seen the cutscenes being Zash's apprentice right? When roleplaying you already have to ignore the class stories, ignore any personal choices, bump your own character down from special snowflake PC status (ex: they can't all be Jedi council members, Empire's wraths, alliance commanders, emperors of Zakuul, etc...), ignore any companion romances and so on. All of it is pretending outside the confines of the story. If you can decide on or ignore every other aspect of the game and story in your RP you can decide on or ignore the Jace/Acina choice.


Thankfully after talking to Jenny, she gave me a twittter link on how they are doing this. If my characters watched Acina die in Iokath, then she will still be dead and so will Malcom (at least for the one coming up), which was my problem in the story line, not for rp purposes.

Edited by casirabit
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