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KotFE Chapter 13 Issue: Unable to Kill Kaliyo


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I'm hoping this is a bug, and not a deliberate choice made by the developers to change options years after the fact.


I recently began playing through KotFE for the first time on a Dark V female Imperial Agent toon. I've never liked Kaliyo and didn't like being forced to take her back earlier in KotFE, so I decided to go for the option to kill her on this playthrough. I looked up guides and videos online to make sure I did the proper dialog choices in Chapter 12 to enable the option to kill Kaliyo in Chapter 13--i.e. I ordered her not to go after Jorgan when he got in trouble, she did anyways, yadda yadda.


However, when the time came to make the decision in Chapter 13, I was only given the option to banish Kaliyo or forgive her outright for disobeying orders. What the kriff, EA? I tried every potential combination of dialog options in that cut scene and I never received the option to kill her. I even restarted the cutscene half a dozen times in the hopes it would fix the issue, but no luck.


Honestly, I wish I hadn't wasted the time starting KotFE over on a new toon now, thanks to this. It might seem like a small thing, but it's really frustrating to go to the effort to make the 'right' choices only to have them come to naught.

Edited by AscendingSky
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