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The Blood Moon Ball ( Friday October 26th )


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The Draconian Syndicate is proud to present

The Blood Moon Ball


Our Guest Sponsors: The Krelon Empire and The Outer Reaches company.

Friday October 26th 2018 @ 8:00pm Est.


The Blood Moon Ball is a cross faction Halloween party to be held on the last Friday before Halloween. There will be a costume contest with big prizes. The Contest theme is Heroes and Villains. Come as your favorite Hero or Villain for your chance at at Millions in credits and full armor sets.


Come Dance the night away with the Djs of the Draconian Syndicate. Dj Jexi, Dj Asha, Dj Thea, Dj Deathshadow and, the big kitty himself Dj Koshk'a will be taking turns spinning the Halloween themed tunes all night long LIVE from the Slippery Slopes Cantina on Nar Shaddaa!

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