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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Canon" Version of Each Class?


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Now, when I say "Canon" I mean to the game of SWTOR, it has no regard to legends content or Disney content.

I also would like to add that each advanced class is playable, but is there a class that is more canonical in nature? I'll give my opinion on the topic.


I'm going to go through each class and give my opinion on what advanced class I believe to be more canonical to the class story (1-50) and expansion content (50-70).


Jedi Knight

Jedi Guardian


This one is the most straight forward, as you're the stalwart defender of the Republic, leader of a band of heroes that saves Tython, and eventually kills Vitiate (who then moves on to become Valkorian again).

It doesn't make sense to me seeing a Jedi wave around two lightsabers, (being able to kill more things easily) so it is pretty obvious that the Sentinel is better suited towards the dark side.



Jedi Consular

Jedi Sage


The Jedi Consular always appeared calm, collected, and surprisingly strong. The Sage is the bridge between the mind and spirit. The Jedi Sage is the force's greatest ally, friend, and conduit. The Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, being the strongest force user (until Vaylin), and seeking out the Children of the Emperor boast for the sages skill and wit.

The Shadow seems to be a different type of Jedi entirely. The shadow instead focuses on lightsaber training along with the force, instead of just the force itself.



Republic Trooper



The greatest soldier among the Republic's millions of troops, the commander of Havoc Squad is the first into any fight, and last person to sheathe their weapon. With countless victories against the Empire, the Vanguard of the Republic is courageous, patriotic, and even held the attention of the emperor for years at a time. Something no ordinary person without the force could do.

I could never take the Commando seriously, as waving around the big assault cannon looks ridiculous in my opinion :D






I know this may surprise some people, but the Gunslinger has the most tricks up their sleeve, compared to the Scoundrel. The run and gun style of play suits the smuggler story so well, as the character itself is so loud of a person, sneaking around in stealth isn't up my alley. The Voidhound can charm you up close, or pick you off from a distance, no matter.





Imperial Agent



The agent on the other hand makes much more sense to have a stealth generator, and poison darts and grenades, and knives. Sneaking around influencing the events of the Empire undetected was the goal, and even the outcome of the Agent story isn't known to the Empire itself. Only a select few individuals know the harm that could have been caused.

The sniper is just too military for the agent storyline. I don't view the Agent as soldier "per say" but more of like its canonical counterpart, an Operative.



Bounty Hunter



This is pretty opinionated, but the Mercenary standing around shooting rockets everywhere doesn't seem like a good course of action ;)

The Powertech closes in on their target, using jet packs, grappling hooks, and carbonite to take their target dead or alive. The mercenary is sure to just kill anyone who comes across the bounty board





Sith Inquisitor

Sith Assassin(LS) Sith Sorcerer(DS)


Theoretically, the Sorcerer is my choice, as the inquisitor is taking the force as their slave to do their dark bidding, and clawing their way into power. However, the assassin makes sense if you go down a light side path, using the force as a mask, shielding your light sided tendencies from your dark sided counterparts on the Dark Council. Almost as if you're "STEALTH"ing yourself ;)



Sith Warrior

Sith Juggernaut (LS) Sith Marauder (DS)


My pick is the Marauder, being the Warrior is capable of the most destructive power while in service to the Emperor. Two blades, carving down the enemies of your master, all while moving at an insane speed with immense precision. The Juggernaut on the other hand is canonical if you choose a Light Sided warrior. Similar to the guardian, the LS Juggernaut is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but keeps the Empire's best interests at heart. (Plus, once Valkorian learns of your light sided tendencies, I feel he is disappointed because the Empire's greatest weapon is Light Sided. I like to think that his "wrath" was destined to betray him, so this is why the LS Juggernaut is my favorite story to play in the game)



So to recap, the canonical versions IN MY OPINION are the

Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sage, Vanguard, Gunslinger

Operative, Powertech, Sith Sorcerer, Sith Marauder.

Or if you're like me.... (LS Assassin), (LS Juggernaut).

I thought this would be fun to do, as It gives a new dimension to each play through. However, like I said at the beginning, all of the classes are fun and enjoyable to play.


If you guys think there is something I can fix, or if you simply disagree, I want to hear your reasons why! :)

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Any class can work, for the most part each one has a comparable character from the movies/ tv shows or KOTOR.


Jedi Guardian - Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan (There's actually basically a spec for each of these characters within the class)

Jedi Sentinel - Ahsoka


Jedi Sage - Yoda

Jedi Shadow - Bastila/ Satele


Vanguard - Like any trooper from the movies

Commando - Jace Malcom (This one is fairly unique and different from movies)


Gungslinger/ Scoundrel - Basically all supposed to be similar to Han, Lando, Chewie, although Tobias Beckett from Solo is like a perfect comparison of a Gunslinger now.


Sith Juggernaut - Vader, Malgus

Sith Marauder - Ventress


Sith Sorcerer - Sidious, Dooku

Sith Assassin - Maul


Powertech - Boba Fett (Why this class uses a pistol is dumb)

Mercenary - Cad Bane, Jango Fett


Sniper/ Operative - This is easily the most distant class from any other content and doesn't have solid comparable

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