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Purchasing guild copies of SH decorations....


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….needs to be expanded to ALL decorations. It's really ridiculous that some decorations have to be donated directly to a guild. It makes the SH decorating system unnecessarily arduous and expensive, not to mention, there are some decorations that you can't even get anymore, such as the Manned Blaster Turret. But even if you happen to have one of those in your personal deco inventory, you can't purchase a copy for your guild.




Honestly, this is just one issue in a very long list of issues with SH decorations. So I'll politely suggest again that our esteemed Development Team dedicate someone who's sole job it is to update, manage, and maintain the SH deco system. Trust me, they'll be gainfully employed for at least the next year, and it will make a tremendous difference in QoL for this aspect of the game.

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I agree completely.


At the very least, Purchase For Guild needs to apply to Anniversary items such as the posters and fireworks launchers. Or let us buy them from the Anniversary vendor and donate them via guild bank.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Coping my reply from the other decoration donation/purchase thread:


Agreed. It makes no sense for the anniversary decorations to not be donateable to guild. Originally the first batch of anniversary decorations were not bound to the buyer, so you could donate them that way just like crafted donations. Unfortunately this was later changed for all subsequent anniversary decorations and it really sucks.


Also, a lot of the older cartel bundle decorations are not donateable to guild with credits, while most of the more recent ones have been. That makes no sense. If other cartel bundle decorations can be donated to guilds via credits, don't make us spend real world money to donate others to guilds. This goes for the various reputation vendor decorations which are bound and not donateable to guilds, while some reputation vendor decorations are not bound and/or are available to donate to guild via credits.


There are a few cases where I can understand not allowing decorations to be donated to guild: for decorations tied to player achievements/PvP ranking/the continuous 5 year sub present. As much as I understand people wanting to be able to give them, I can understand some people who went through hard work/years of continuous subscription to obtain them would be less than pleased that the uniqueness of their having those decorations would be lost since they could be put in guild strongholds. Those are their trophies, they should be able to have the prestige from them alone.

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