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Military / Defense Bundles Suggestions


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A lot of strongholds (not all) often have some sort of military presence and'or defenses to make them more thematic, whether it's just guards in a capital city SH, or a Forward Operating Base (FOB) at Yavin 4, or the flagships. Toward that end, there are quite a few SH decos that are either no longer available in the game, or they simply don't exist yet. Here's where my bundle suggestions come in.....



1. SH Defenses bundle

Include some decos that either can no longer be obtained (e.g. the Manned Blaster Turret that used to drop from Colicoid Wargames until loot drops were intentionally disabled there because the FP is not level scaled), or that are difficult to obtain. Additionally, this would be a good opportunity to add some new decos that already exist in the game but are not currently available as SH decorations, such as an undamaged turret (there is a deco for a damaged turret), and guard posts like you see in the Imperial palace during your meeting with Empress Acina. A shield generator to protect a SH from orbital bombardment would also be cool. Finally, this would be a good opportunity to finally fix the Massive Artillery Turret which has been missing its barrels for several years now.


2. Battledroids bundle

There are plenty of battle droids for both the Empire and Republic, but the only ones currently available as decorations are either destroyed or unassembled. The Alliance Battledroid is listed as a deco in our personal deco inventory (Personnel -> Droids -> Show All), but it was never released in the game. Give us actual battle droids that are ready for service to protect our Strongholds!


3. Soldiers bundle

Currently, there are very limited choices for faction troops. You have a basic trooper for both the Empire and the Republic, and we have Imperial Grenadiers, but what about the Imperial troops wearing the white armor on Ilum and Hoth? What about the Imperial troops from Makeb? Similarly, there are Republic Commandos that exist in the game but are not available as decorations. Officers for each faction would also be welcome, and bridge crew and/or engineers. Basically, give us more versatility for faction troops like you did for the Mandalorians, Bounty Hunters, and soon-to-be released Pirates.


4. Aircraft bundle

The only appropriately scaled fighter aircraft we presently have is the Alliance Fighter and the Zakuul Fighter. There are no scaled versions of Republic or Imperial aircraft currently available as decos though they are in the game, and the display decos don't count - those are display models only, and very obviously not to scale. This would also be a good opportunity to finally add the aircraft refueling station that is shown in our personal deco inventory but that was never released in the game. These decos would make great additions for our flagship hangars.



These are just a few ideas I've been considering, but I'm sure other players could come up with more. Hopefully others will see the value of this and add their support to this suggestion. Either way, thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

Edited by Mournblood
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