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Please make the Sky Trooper armors available to the players!!!


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Bioware could make a small fortune selling the Sky Trooper Armor sets they already have in game. I am sure there are a lot of people who would LOVE those awesome Beefy Trooper outfits.....PLEASE!!! :)






Edited by Malckiah
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Bioware could make a small fortune selling the Sky Trooper Armor sets they already have in game. I am sure there are a lot of people who would LOVE those awesome Beefy Trooper outfits.....PLEASE!!! :)







Two comments:


1) your first picture is concept art... so don't expect to see any of that make it into player armor.. and often times... concept art does not eve make it into the game without some significant visual changes.... most likely for technical reasons.


2) if you observe actual in game Sky Trooper armor carefully, I think you can see that the chest piece (which is the essence of what you want I believe) will cause a lot of clipping issues in game... given the different races and different body types. This is another reason concept art often does not make into the player wardrobes...... clipping issues. In fact.. that chest piece as shown in the concept art.. would be a nightmare to address with a number of popular mounts/vehicles currently in the game. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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With all due respect there should be no clipping issues.... it is a droid. Droid armor does not have the same issues as if it was wearable over flesh. Droid armor has been wearable by characters for some time now so shouldn't be an issue. And as far as the concept art... yes I know its concept art, but it is very close to the HEAVY Sky Trooper droids also already in game which is why I posted it.... it is almost exact.

There is no doubt if they put this armor in the game they would make a fortune from sales and tons of people would love it.... and definitely NOT just for the chest piece. Tons of people from many classes would pay huge money for the leggings alone!

Its just too bad that people on forums are always so quick to be negative and against ideas rather than open minded.... (not referring to the last post person, just a sad observation in general)

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With all due respect there should be no clipping issues.... it is a droid. Droid armor does not have the same issues as if it was wearable over flesh. Droid armor has been wearable by characters for some time now so shouldn't be an issue.

All the lumps and bumps on the back, especially in the "Heavy" concept art, would clip like [REDACTED] on lightsabre pikes, most vibroswords(1), blaster and sniper rifles, HBGs, and lots and lots of "sit back" speeders. Anything that sticks up above the player's head is in danger of clipping through the top of some / all enclosed-canopy speeders. Some speeders have thin seat backs, and deep lumps clip out the back through the seat.


So no, no clipping issues at all.


And no, we haven't been able to wear droid armour. What's currently in-game is "cybernetic" armour - replacement body parts like Arcann's arm - although with a little inventiveness(2) you can look like a rather skinny version of C2-N2. (Key point: skinny - it has no lumpy-bumpy parts that stick out.)


(1) The new dark lord's sword in the CM is a vibrosword in game-mechanical terms but it is worn on the belt like a real sword. Clips like [REDACTED] if your armour is bulky at the waist.


(2) Example:

* Imperial Bastion Mask

* Series 212 Cybernetic Torso (the only Cybernetic torso with two fully cyber arms)

* Battleworn Engineer's Gloves

* Classic Contractor's Belt

* Series 614 Cybernetic Legs

* Series 212 Cybernetic Feet

* Covert Energy Bracers

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Bioware could make a small fortune selling the Sky Trooper Armor sets they already have in game. I am sure there are a lot of people who would LOVE those awesome Beefy Trooper outfits.....PLEASE!!! :)







I've been hoping for Sky Trooper armor for a few years now. I'd buy it for the legs alone :)

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All the lumps and bumps on the back, especially in the "Heavy" concept art, would clip like [REDACTED] on lightsabre pikes, most vibroswords(1), blaster and sniper rifles, HBGs, and lots and lots of "sit back" speeders. Anything that sticks up above the player's head is in danger of clipping through the top of some / all enclosed-canopy speeders. Some speeders have thin seat backs, and deep lumps clip out the back through the seat.


So no, no clipping issues at all.


And no, we haven't been able to wear droid armour. What's currently in-game is "cybernetic" armour - replacement body parts like Arcann's arm - although with a little inventiveness(2) you can look like a rather skinny version of C2-N2. (Key point: skinny - it has no lumpy-bumpy parts that stick out.)


(1) The new dark lord's sword in the CM is a vibrosword in game-mechanical terms but it is worn on the belt like a real sword. Clips like [REDACTED] if your armour is bulky at the waist.


(2) Example:

* Imperial Bastion Mask

* Series 212 Cybernetic Torso (the only Cybernetic torso with two fully cyber arms)

* Battleworn Engineer's Gloves

* Classic Contractor's Belt

* Series 614 Cybernetic Legs

* Series 212 Cybernetic Feet

* Covert Energy Bracers


There are dozens of armor sets with bulky crap on the back/over the head that clip already, if bioware wasnt concerned about those I dont think they'll be concerned about clipping with skytrooper armor.

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There are dozens of armor sets with bulky crap on the back/over the head that clip already, if bioware wasnt concerned about those I dont think they'll be concerned about clipping with skytrooper armor.

For sure. I was pointing out the folly of claiming there were no clipping issues.

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ok, negative Nancy. But besides your negative opinion... which is all your comments amount to since there are already plenty of other gear sets in the game that according to your assessment shouldn't be.... your case is mute.


SO, I am no doubt sure that many players would be interested in having at least some part of this gear set, if not the set in its entirety. If you don't want it, don't wear it.

The set is already created in game, so there is no reason not to add it to the list of wearables.

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ok, negative Nancy. But besides your negative opinion... which is all your comments amount to since there are already plenty of other gear sets in the game that according to your assessment shouldn't be.... your case is mute.


SO, I am no doubt sure that many players would be interested in having at least some part of this gear set, if not the set in its entirety. If you don't want it, don't wear it.

The set is already created in game, so there is no reason not to add it to the list of wearables.

No my case is not mute. It speaks for itself quite well. It's not moot either. My point was about "there would be no clipping issues" being a very wrong thing to say.


And it's not a gear set at the moment(1). Skytroopers *are* droids, and there's no evidence that their body parts exist as separate objects in the way that e.g. Series 212 Cybernetic armour pieces are separate objects.


(1) More accurately, it *might be* but you have no evidence for (or against) it being one. Lana's "grey sack" armour does not exist as a separate object (the Dark Advisor set is *not* the grey sack), but is instead *part* of Lana's "default" model. Equip her with the customisation object she comes with, then preview "tight" clothes (e.g. the RV-03 Speedsuit) on her and you'll see what I mean. It's entirely possible (and fairly likely) that Skytroopers are like that.


That's not to say that they couldn't develop it as wearable sets, just that you can't justify a definitive assertion that it is definitely already a wearable set.


And no, I probably wouldn't bother with it. I have no interest in dressing my characters like the NPCs whose ubiquity gives Chapter X of KotFE the nickname "Skytrooper Central".

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There are dozens of armor sets with bulky crap on the back/over the head that clip already, if bioware wasnt concerned about those I dont think they'll be concerned about clipping with skytrooper armor.


What you are presenting actually argues against what you desire.


Every single time there is any clipping issue with some piece of gear in connection with some race, or other gear, or body type.... players get really bent out of shape about it and demand immediate fixes. This sort of feedback actually encourages the studio to be more conservative in what it releases in order to minimize clipping (not eliminate completely, because that is an unrealistic goal really) on any gear released (not just CM gear, but all gear).


The fact remains... the Sky Trooper armor is, by design, very bulky with protrusions of all kinds in all the classic areas where players complain about clipping issues. As such.. it is exactly the kind of armor that the studio would only use and present in very finite and controlled circumstances... which makes them ideal for NPCs and a nightmare for players who are concerned about any clipping issues. And Sky Trooper armor makes the examples you sited look extremely good in the context of clipping.


Now... clearly there are players who don't give a rats backside about clipping and who love garishly large armor like Sky Trooper in their personal gear bag. But I doubt these represent any sort of majority view about clipping issues, much less the desire for garish armor or weapons. Of course the studio can never please everyone, and so they will look to please as many as possible while avoiding, if possible, the usual food fights from players over things like clipping issues.


Sky Trooper armor would, in particular be terribad (more so then your examples in fact) with respect to many mounts/vehicles in game.. and that alone is plenty of reason for the studio to avoid putting it in the gear itemization for the game.

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ok, negative Nancy. But besides your negative opinion... which is all your comments amount to since there are already plenty of other gear sets in the game that according to your assessment shouldn't be.... your case is mute.


SO, I am no doubt sure that many players would be interested in having at least some part of this gear set, if not the set in its entirety. If you don't want it, don't wear it.

The set is already created in game, so there is no reason not to add it to the list of wearables.


I wonder if you actually realize how petulant this response sounds to other forum readers.


Look.. this thread did not belong in general discussion to begin with. It belongs in the Suggestion Forum... because it is a request/suggestion for something you as a player want that you cannot currently have in game. ;)


By your choosing to put it in the general discussion forum, you invite opinions and viewpoints that can and will disagree with your own. If you did not realize this, or cannot cope with it without resorting to negative pejoratives and name calling, that's on you to deal with.


Suggestion: Stop role playing a "fully bent spoon" here and just go put your request into a suggestion thread in the suggestion forum... where the studio actually does read and review for player suggestions to add to their internal wall of crazy. Those players that crave the same thing you do.. will happily support your suggestion.... no matter how impractical (for all the reasons already shared here) it may be to do so.

Edited by Andryah
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