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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will we get new info on 6.0?


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Considering we still have 5.9.2 coming next Tuesday, 5.10 , 5.11 and I believe they mentioned 5.12 (?), I don't think we'll get any information upon 6.0 any time soon.

More than likely when we do, it'll be by the end of this year, or early next year.

However, I do hope we get an expansion like Makeb or something where it gives us a few planets to explore, more levels to grind, but please... NO MORE FLASHPOINT PHASES. You have too much of those >.>


they never said 5.11 or 5.12 only thre will be a 5.10 before 6.0

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I 100% agree with you. It makes no sense to restrict us to planets based on the films considering at launch we already had planets not in the films. This game was based on KOTOR which is already the EU/Legends, the whole point of which is to explore the universe more and build it up.


quick refresher:


When this game launched, the EU was canon and KOTOR was a multi-platform part of the EU with games, comics and books.

Disney bought StarWars and changed canon, killing off the old EU

Why continue adding to a universe that no longer exists? Support the new universe.

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Who knows but I'm glad their working on content like crazy lately. :) Just wish they can optimize the game some more just make it run smoother less graphic glitches etc. thats all Im asking for. :)


Well maybe all 3 of the people still working on the game are at least putting in 40 hr. weeks, but that's hardly working like crazy. I'll be too bored to play anymore after the next couple weeks, and will be back on another extended break until there's actually some reason to play again. My bet on 6.0 is 4th quarter 2019.

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quick refresher:


When this game launched, the EU was canon and KOTOR was a multi-platform part of the EU with games, comics and books.

Disney bought StarWars and changed canon, killing off the old EU

Why continue adding to a universe that no longer exists? Support the new universe.


Why not continue the old universe? SWTOR is part of the EU, now re-branded as legends, SWTOR shouldn't limit itself to canon when it's not even part of the new universe. And if you like the new universe that's fine, but we shouldn't forget the old universe.

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quick refresher:


When this game launched, the EU was canon and KOTOR was a multi-platform part of the EU with games, comics and books.

Disney bought StarWars and changed canon, killing off the old EU

Why continue adding to a universe that no longer exists? Support the new universe.

FlameYOL already addressed this pretty well, but I'll just go on record saying this line of thinking makes no sense to me.


No matter what they add to SWTOR it's "adding to a universe that no longer exists". It's not like if they have the content take place on Tatooine instead of Manaan it's suddenly canon again. Besides, Disney will probably end up reincorporating anything it likes (albeit likely through other means than just re-canonizing the source).


If the DEV team can create immersive, inspired content then we get a better game, and there's a better chance that world or concept might be mentioned offhandedly in The Clone Wars or something thus making it canon again. The EU has always been about creating new and imaginative content, and then building off of other content in the EU. I don't want to see that change.

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FlameYOL already addressed this pretty well, but I'll just go on record saying this line of thinking makes no sense to me.


No matter what they add to SWTOR it's "adding to a universe that no longer exists". It's not like if they have the content take place on Tatooine instead of Manaan it's suddenly canon again. Besides, Disney will probably end up reincorporating anything it likes (albeit likely through other means than just re-canonizing the source).


If the DEV team can create immersive, inspired content then we get a better game, and there's a better chance that world or concept might be mentioned offhandedly in The Clone Wars or something thus making it canon again. The EU has always been about creating new and imaginative content, and then building off of other content in the EU. I don't want to see that change.


As addendum to that. Even canon is taking old legends content, especially some planets, and adapting them to the new canon. Korriban, which was renamed Moraband, is canon. Corellia was shown in Solo from what I've heard, I also heard there is a Senator from Taris in Rogue One. TCW shows Selkath meaning Manaan is canon, Umbara was previously mentioned in the EU but TCW had an arc there as well and the environment from the FP is exactly what it looked like in TCW except perhaps with less fogs. I understand my last 2 examples were done before the reboot, but my point is those planets are canon due to TCW being canon, as well as legends. So if Canon take planets from legends, why can't legends? given SWTOR is part of it. Anyway if they pick a canon planet, that is fine provided they do a good job of it (I loved exploring Yavin IV back in SOR) but they shouldn't limit themselves like that, especially if they're able to create new and cool planets.

Edited by FlameYOL
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As much as I appreciate a positive attitude, they really don't deserve your idealism. Lets recap some of the changes in recent time:



  • Galactic command in general
  • West / East coast server fubar and ping times


And this is just in recent memory. I guarantee they will manage to mess up this next patch somehow, or sneak some unmentioned nerf into the game.


These two are the main reason for the state of the game. In fact out of these two issues the second one - the server merges was the most devastating - as Galactic Command can be easily remedied.


Moving the APAC/West Coast server to the East Coast had a dramatic impact on the game's population.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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