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KOTOR remastered with Unreal engine

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What I would like, and I know it may be an unpopular opinion, but a truly singleplayer KOTOR-like game with current-gen graphics and some FPS-style, or TPS-style mechanics, but truly being an RPG of the highest degree. You can literally choose what you want to be, through actions you make, similar to KOTOR (for example, I denied being a force user in any way, attempting to stay as far from being known as one as possible, and only using blasters and vibroblades, wanting to just be a Mando. It wasn't very easy, as the game WANTS you to be Revan, but imagine a game where you aren't tied down to it.


SWTOR is a step in the right direction, but a truly open-world game without hotbars or set attacks like KOTOR, where you can honestly just be what you want to be?


Think of it kind of like this: Cyberpunk 2077 (I think that's the name) but Star Wars, multiple planets and 100% open world and RP centric. It'd be a paradise, imho, but I honestly doubt something like that would be possible. It can't be monetized out the wazoo, and there's no multiplayer for lootboxes to be shilled. So as much as I'd like this to be a reality, I doubt it'll happen.

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What I would like, and I know it may be an unpopular opinion, but a truly singleplayer KOTOR-like game with current-gen graphics and some FPS-style, or TPS-style mechanics, but truly being an RPG of the highest degree. You can literally choose what you want to be, through actions you make, similar to KOTOR (for example, I denied being a force user in any way, attempting to stay as far from being known as one as possible, and only using blasters and vibroblades, wanting to just be a Mando. It wasn't very easy, as the game WANTS you to be Revan, but imagine a game where you aren't tied down to it.


SWTOR is a step in the right direction, but a truly open-world game without hotbars or set attacks like KOTOR, where you can honestly just be what you want to be?


Think of it kind of like this: Cyberpunk 2077 (I think that's the name) but Star Wars, multiple planets and 100% open world and RP centric. It'd be a paradise, imho, but I honestly doubt something like that would be possible. It can't be monetized out the wazoo, and there's no multiplayer for lootboxes to be shilled. So as much as I'd like this to be a reality, I doubt it'll happen.


Agreed, while KOTOR is better in terms of choices-that-matter I really love the RP versatility vanilla SWTOR has with multiple classes to play through each with a unique story to them.

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