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I would like to make a knight/warrior with a honorable warrior persona


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I'm guessing that what you're looking for is closer to the Sith Warrior, if you play it more or less LS, though the Jedi Knight isn't bad (it depends a lot on what you're looking for with "honor"). The Bounty Hunter also can qualify as this once they become a Mandalorian.
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The SW going somewhat lightside can easily come through as the honorable warrior, fighting for the Empire he believes in. He treats strong opponents with respect and scoffs at harming the defenseless as "not worthy" of him. He'll lead his troops from the front, providing an example with his fighting skills instead of standing at the back killing those that retreat or don't throw away their lives at his say-so.


A JK is more of a carebear, protecting everyone, but he too can be the honorable warrior, fighting because it is the right thing to do. He actually gets to meet and fight (and possibly spare) a SW of the afore mentioned sort in the class story.


And yes, the BH is also an option for this. You can play him as a lunatic killer who makes some quick cash on killing people (and would kill them for free), but he can also be played as a somewhat honorable warrior, limiting the damage caused and only going for the target

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As both have pointed out either is fine. It depends on your personal preference as to whether you want to play a Honorable Jedi Knight or a Honorable Sith Warrior, both of those classes can be honorable provided they follow the LS path. I'd say playing LS SW was definitely more interesting than LS JK, but that is merely my own opinion so don't take my word as gospel, Sith Inquisitor can also be very fun to play as LS. You're still a schemer of sorts but you can be less Darth Sidious and more of a honorable Sith perhaps even trying to reform the Empire.
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The Bounty Hunter also can qualify as this once they become a Mandalorian.

The Mandalorians don't have a monopoly on NFU honour, you know. Nothing stops a non-Mandalorian BH from defining and following his own code of honour, although the story does nothing particular to either help you with it either. If your BH's personal code says that, like Angel Eyes(1) in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, he always sees the job through, you'll find plenty of opportunities to choose to do just that.


(1) Angel Eyes was an assassin, a killer-for-hire, rather than a bounty hunter, but his code of honour said that if A paid him to kill B, he would kill B unless B was already dead some other way. But it did not prevent him from taking money from B to go back and kill A. If he took that money, then A became the next target.

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