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Anywhere where I can view armor on classes?


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Is there anywhere where i can view armor on each of the classes? I'm kinda weird and like to pick a class by how cool they look in my eyes lol. Wanted to see if there was a database full of pictures and the likes I could view armor on each class.
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Is there anywhere where i can view armor on each of the classes? I'm kinda weird and like to pick a class by how cool they look in my eyes lol. Wanted to see if there was a database full of pictures and the likes I could view armor on each class.

A particular armour set doesn't look different on different classes. Some sets look different on Imperial versus Republic, but not by class, and there's almost no class-specific armour any more.


Some (older) armour sets have a "fixed" weight, Heavy, Medium, or Light, which restricts which classes can wear them(1), while most newer stuff's weight is "Adaptive", meaning it adapts to the heaviest you can wear, so there isn't much difference left between classes in terms of armour looks.


(If you're a former GW1 player, the idea of armour whose appearance is defined by which class it is for, as in GW1, does not apply here at all. It used to, somewhat, but it hasn't done for a long while now.)


All that said, you can browse through TOR-fashion's listings of armour sets at https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/ .


(1) Unlike GW2, if you know that game, SWTOR characters can wear any fixed-weight armour that is not too heavy for them. There is no idea of "you can wear heavy, so you can ONLY wear heavy" or anything like that.

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