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The Design of the Iokath Machine Gods?


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I think Izax is the ultimate weapon designed by the ancient civilization, the "children" were used to harvest enough energy for him to operate. Especially Tyth probably was the tool to use his "rage" to fuel others. The twin sisters were his helper, to bring more strategy and tactics.


Nahut is the unsuccessful experiment, this is why he was not followed. Like in the ops, when Scyva told him not to fight and he still did so.


Scyva was the "safe protocol" of the whole set, the most intelligent one to control the rest of the droids, especially to keep Izax from destroying everything.


Your thoughts?

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Honestly I think the Rikti, how I call the Iokath creators, just had a superweapon fetish like Sidious and built as many powerful superweapons as they could. I'd really like to know more about their creation process though, who was the "genius" who thought designing a robot to think he/she is a god was a good idea? As well as whether or not the six gods came first or before Zildrog.
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