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Battlegrounds and the qualtimanagement of Bioware/Mytic


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Hello and greetings from Germany,


sorry about my bad english, but I just have to hear once in the hope that someone from the Bioware Interested and it has to decide what reads well.


possitve the first to Biowarecrew, ***** PvE! I have been playing since EQ1 MMOS and since WoW was "out of the air". In other words, no matter what game I made a detour, either AoC, LotR or Warhammer, all could not help myself. Not because WOW was so great, but simply because the quality was not appealing.


Now we come to the negatives. What you trying to sell to the customer as PvP is absulut dirt! I have a real Dejavu of Warhammer. But where were the endgame, game mechanics and Ballance the problem there and I can give these points due to my levels still no answer skilled, I can at least say that the battlegrounds are the last scrap.


It lagt jerky and without end, with one hardware BF3 going smoothly on high. None of the cooldown is displayed correctly. Not one! But the worst, I'm 30 and are killed with three proposals During car of my level 50s team for the most part is gray. Please? What is that? The opposing team almost completely red, and mine almost entirely gray.


Have you noticed something? There are two fail where the inexplicable to me is how something can come by quality management. First, it plays a 50 against a 10. And neither the teams nor the average levels of classes are geballanced. The level adjustment practically not functioning. Second, not once both teams have the same level level. As one team has mostly lv 10-20 and on the other side are the most around 30-40!?!?! What for an crap ist that, sry?


I'd rather wait 20 minutes or even an hour than to dispense with the PvP. Because it takes no clairvoyant powers have come to predict how the game is.


Therefore PvE supper. But your offer PvP is just a insult to every player who likes to PvP runs. Because it would have to be. While Ballance and even bugs can still understand a freshly erschienenn game, are in the final two points to gegensatzt enfach only an imposition. And the sheer audacity and the customer expects of her (pardon under the provision) for trying to sell dum.








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i'm german aswell and i can't even understand what the op is trying to say at all -.-


(benutz doch einen online DE-ENG translator)


erschienen - released


gegensatz - the opposite


einfach - easy (but he's meant to say "just")


*sigh* this just made me wanna immigrate to an american server, lol.



may the schwartz be with you.

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Hab ich doch benutzt weil ich zu faul war.:D war mir aber nicht klar das der googletranslator so ein müll ist.


What i tryed to say. SWTOR PVP is like WARHAMMER. Not the same Problems, there are some differents. But one ist the same, it is FAIL.


Why, for example. Im from Germany. We like Beer. Reson: We have the best Beer. And we Like Football, we was evertime very good in Football. The Best Football will you see not in Germany! The best Football you will see in Champoins Leuge. There playing the Best of Best of all Contry for on City, for on Team.


But SWTOR ist not Champoinsleague. Bioware tryed to Mixing Champions Legue with FIrst, Secound, Thrid and regianal Legue, Amateurs and all Legues of Childrens and Teenagers. Mixing ist, and Know player Firstcalls Foótballer with Kids, and Amatours agains secound Legue ....


thats sucks. Nobody would be want see that in the Television. And Nobody want Play with differntteams with out any classes and legue. Thats sucks.


Sry about my bad englisch.




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Ok, sry that i take googetranslat for my first Post. i was to "faul".:D


But the Problem is the Same. PvP in SWTOR dont have any league wich is based on strengh of Teams.




Yesterday: Im 30 an the most of my Team are Grey for me! Grey = under 20! And teh opponents? All read, some yellow, perhaps one grey and 2 Players at 50!


Im playing with new players (childrensoccerlegue) against 2 player from the endgame! Perfekt! What a honor for me, but its was realy funny, if you play 10 games and 9 of 10 your Team have no chance against an oponent wich need no teamplay or taktig to zerging down your team.


One Mele level 50 player need min 3, max 5 seconds to kill me. 2 level 50 need 1 or max 2 sekonds to kill me. And im 30....


In another words, PvP in SWTOR ist awfull! Very awfull. And im very frustrated. I love Star Wars, i like Bioware, i like MMO and the PvE based part of this game is very very nice. But im like pvp since Quake1. I played DaoC, War, WOW, Quake 1,2,3 all parts of Battlefield. Im like pvp very well. I like teamwirk, i like it to raise my skills.


But the SWTOR pvP is not playable.


sry about my bad english




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