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Story and lore questions


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When it comes to the last 3 flashpoints ( Umbara,Copero & Nathema) there are a few things i really don't understand, maybe some of you have some answers? Thankies!


- who are Technician Canni and Shadow Assassin Eli-Va?

- what's their connection to the Empire,Republic & Theron Shan?

- do Umbaran shadow assassins use the Force to stealth themselves ( as Sith Assassins & Jedi Shadows do ) or do they use the Adegan crystals to power stealth generators?

- how did Theron Shan landed on Copero, if outsiders are never allowed to set foot on any Chiss planet?

- did he stole Adegan crystals and an Umbaran stealth generator in order to gain access on Copero?

- what's Valss's connection to the Order of Zildrog?

- why would a Chiss ( let's suppose Valss is a native of Copero) join an order from another planet and worship a God who's has no connection to the Chiss whatsoever?

- after Emperor's death, Nathema recovered, we can see trees, mushrooms, waterfalls. why didn't the same happened to Ziost?


Sorry for the long post, hopefully someone will have patience to read it.

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1-They're just bosses given no backstory whatsoever.


2-The Umbarans ally with whoever you sided against during Iokath, some Republic or Imperial Troops are present during the first part of the train in the story and they even scream "Justice for Jace Malcom" or something.


3-From what we saw the Umbara shadow assassins seem to use stealth generators, it would be a neat headcanon to make them use the adegan crystals for that but Scoundrel and Operatives manage to have stealth without them. However Eli-Va does seem to use the force or something to vanish so perhaps once they reacha certain level with their abilities they manage to use the force to camouflage themselves like Jedi Shadows/Sith Assassins.


4-It's been a few weeks since my last run but if I recall Theron Shan made a deal with Syndic Zenta to exchange Alliance secrets for protection.


5-No, in fact he leaves the Adegan crystals there, likely as one of the bread crumbs for the Commander(If I recall there is a line you can use them to power Iokath or something so perhaps they'll come up next time we visit Iokath, if that happens now that we're done with Knights expansions).


6-It doesn't seem to me he's within the order, although it could be possible. From my understanding he was a mere friend to Theron willing to give his life for his vision of Theron succeeding, whether or not he meant activating Zildrog and destroying The Alliance as Theron was pretending to want or if it was leading the Commander to the Order of Zildrog by leaving those bead crumbs for us to follow we don't know.


7-If I had to guess that he is indeed a member of the Order perhaps he wishes to install Order and sees the Alliance Commander as a threat, keep in mind the order recruited anybody who held a grudge against you and wanted you gone plus considering how force-sensitives are treated within the ascendancy I'd doubt Valss would be too fond of his home nation, I could be wrong. Again this is only if he is indeed a member of the order which I don't believe is ever made clear for us unfortunately.


8-It's likely because those were two different rituals, Nathema kept as a void and after his death life came back to it, it's possible even after the ritual was said and done he was still leeching off the force someway.

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- after Emperor's death, Nathema recovered, we can see trees, mushrooms, waterfalls. why didn't the same happened to Ziost?

Waterfalls aren't linked to the Force in any way and they aren't alive, so there's no reason to think they would be destroyed by the various events. We don't see them on Ziost because the little bit of Ziost that we see doesn't have any, whereas the bit of Nathema that we see in the FP (clearly somewhere else on the planet) does have some.


And of course if you do the whole story and then go to Ziost, you end up going "back in time" to just after the "Big Event". Like most MMORPGs(1), SWTOR features "Frozen In Time" syndrome, where areas that are created early in the game's life remain mostly like they were then, even if your character has seen story-relateed stuff that invalidates that.


(1) GW2 is a notable exception. Living World Season 1 made permanent and significant changes to the world (especially the cities of Lion's Arch and Divinity's Reach), and characters doing the "vanilla" Personal Story are actually adventuring in a time that is (according to the game's chronology) before those changes. It gets a bit weird in places. And of course GW2 *also* has Frozen In Time syndrome as well. Orr remains infested with Risen even after you destroy the reason for them existing.

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@FlameYOL : thank you for the detailed info!


Still, i wish there was some kind of backstory for Technician Canni and Eli-va, almost all flashpoint bosses have one, let's take for example Battlelord Kreshan from Hammer Station . He says " i am a battlelord of the Advosze Hegemony, you will fall before me" , this means he has a high ranking in the Advosze military system and is a renowned warrior. In the end, he also says " we fight for our homeworld and the Supreme Warmaster" , this could mean he is a patriot, a zealot and an acolyte on their leader/king or w/e is that Warmaster. Basically, enough to compile a profile.


@ Steve: i know what you mean by "frozen in time", take Yavin 4 as an example: during your quests there, you kill Revan & Lord Darkspanner , still the Revanites are still there, as nothing happened.

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@FlameYOL : thank you for the detailed info!


Still, i wish there was some kind of backstory for Technician Canni and Eli-va, almost all flashpoint bosses have one, let's take for example Battlelord Kreshan from Hammer Station . He says " i am a battlelord of the Advosze Hegemony, you will fall before me" , this means he has a high ranking in the Advosze military system and is a renowned warrior. In the end, he also says " we fight for our homeworld and the Supreme Warmaster" , this could mean he is a patriot, a zealot and an acolyte on their leader/king or w/e is that Warmaster. Basically, enough to compile a profile.



Yes, I personally love having meaningful bosses with just a little bit of backstory, especially considering how alien Umbaran society is, I loved seeing them in SWTOR after watching their TCW episode and I hope we can visit them again because that would be a beautiful place to explore.

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Yes, I personally love having meaningful bosses with just a little bit of backstory, especially considering how alien Umbaran society is, I loved seeing them in SWTOR after watching their TCW episode and I hope we can visit them again because that would be a beautiful place to explore.


Yup, would be nice for Umbara to become a "real planet", with heroics,side quests and stuff to do while there. During the heroics we could find out more about the Umbaran society,customs, Force users and even (maybe) learn for example that Technician Canni and Eli-Va were a sort of outcasts, followed by a number of loyal Force users and military personnel, acting against the rightful leader/king of the planet.

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