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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"In Character" Roleplayer Flair


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I'm not a roleplayer myself, but I seems logical that RPer should know when other RPers are "In Character" perhaps there could be a special Roleplayers "In Character" flair so that everyone knows who is in character, which should aid both RPers and non-RPers.


I reposted here since I posted in the general because I didnt spot this section :S

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If it has to be paid for (as most Flairs are), then it might be so helpful as a lot of people are unwilling/unable to pay. And it's pretty unlikely they'll make a free thing only meant to be used by a small niche. And if it were free, you're going to be unintentionally (or intentionally) trolled by people who put it on just because they think it looks cool.
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Step one: Have CSRs or some sort of community managers who are active and can manage ;

Step two: Have a list of ACTUAL RP GUILDS

Step three: give them it as a "guild perk"



it would stop people abusing it, and lets face it, the RP community needs all the help it can get.

any other way will just get people griefing cos its ...just...so...funny

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