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@Bioware Marauders PVP - a few things i'm sure have been mentioned but...


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I'll say it again.


First - I'm thoroughly enjoying the class in every aspect. It's aggressive play style keeps me moving and entertained for the majority of the time. I'm currently 35 almost 36 with what i would consider up to date ( or even better with a few epics and high crafting ) gear. I have no trouble running through PVE with Jaessa at all. BUT that's not what im here to discuss...


Btw Carnage Spec ( mostly cuz i'm pvp oriented )


I'll try keep it short n simple

- Marauders -

PVP - 1) Pommel Strike. Cmon bioware, why give us an ability that I have YET to be able to use in pvp. Let alone I can only proc it on weak ("standard") mobs with smash. I wouldn't even be able to use this skill in pvp w/o the help of another class. Garbage, please rework this skill entirely. It's a high dmg and relatively high cooldown skill. Either allow me to stun alot more ( even if just for a 2-3 seconds.. ) in pvp or just rework the activation on it. kthx


2) Savage Kick. This skill is awesome (looking) and pretty decent burst. I can use it whenever I'd like to in PVE but for some reason i haven't seen this able to proc in PVP at all. I could be wrong considering how clunky the pvp is currently but we'll get to that in a moment. Slow / Snare, well, i have both with saber throw and hamstring. Never lights up, rework preeze. i'd like to kick some fools in the face. Thanks.


- General PVP -

~Melee Range Leniency for skill activation

Okay i know alot of people seem to hate the ranged with the auto facing thing...thats not even a problem to me. I like it, i like that it exists, lower skill cap whatever for those who need it. BUT i feel like that auto facing is "skrewing" over melee. Ever notice that you just can't seem to get your skills off but the animation starts then STOPS? the melee range leniency for the facing system or whatever is just too strict. I have to be DEAD on their face to get my skills to come out and it seems that our skills are heavily based on the animation.

-Ex: Vicious slash. '4' *starts to come out, person (insert random movements from lag or glitch or w/e here) and it stops casting )*. okay, i understand that i should have to face them but cmon. if im not on their face my moves dont come out, try force screaming someone when they're just glitching around and it will start up but never come out. irritating.

Solution? Increase the range / facing leniency for ALL melee characters. PLEASE. tired of someone being slightly to the right of me and my skills not going off. Everyones headache will be relieved IMO.


For now that's pretty much all i want to gripe about. marauders are sick, high skill cap, coming from ( yes...im saying this ) a vanilla to Cata pvper ex glad on BG9. Don't get discouraged! For now they just need a rework on a few things for us and in general pvp.


P.S. Bioware, some cc/survivability/burst dmg buffs wouldn't hurt...at all. <3 yew

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oh and also concerns with DR (diminishing returns) and resolve...


am i correct in saying that max resolve = you cannot be stunned any more?

if so...then this is what i have for a suggestion in pvp with CC:


Make DR work...better if its already implemented. If i get stunned for 9 seconds by cyclone ( LOLWAT 9 SECONDS ) then force choked blah blah blah, each stun AFTER that should reduce down the time for the next cc ( im not into match soo.... ) by 1/3. 9 sec full duration, 6 sec DR duration, 3 sec DR 2x duration, then resolve kicks in for immunities. EZPZ make that happen or something, tired of being stunned for 25 seconds. Resolve doesnt work well when you're already dead.

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I really think that they should completely change the cc's that are ingame atm because they break PvP completely...



When someone has 2 stuns (one with a root) which don't break on dmg and last 4-5 seconds I just have to ask : lolwhut ?


I really like Marauder and we get many tools to fight our enemies but PvP is annoying like hell because so many classes get imbastuns that allow them to always keep you away no matter what you do, I really think that they should lower the duration of cc's in PvP by a LOT (2 secs MAX)...


Also..healers are rather overpowered...I don' think they're meant to be able to walk through a trap on huttball with a hot and a shield up...It sorta destroys the whole idea of traps if some guy can just shield you through with ease...let alone heal 3-4 people at the same time as well, not go oom and be generally ultra hard to kill for anything < 3+ people...


I love the game and I like the combat but PvP needs a lot of tweaks or soon enough the bg's will be filled with the same 2-3 classes that get insane cc's on top of everything else...

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I agree with most of what is said here.


One of the major problems we have in PvP is we have much less in the way of hard cc than other classes, and the only class without a knockback.


I haven't tried rage yet, but with annihilation and carnage, even with almost spamming our slow it is very very hard to actually stay on a sorcerer, sniper, or merc... sorcerers especially.


Also, any class with a heal (Sorcerer, Operative, Mercenary) are almost impossible to actually kill with carnage/annihilation so far for me, especially annihilation as we are DoT damage not burst.


Quite annoying.

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I agree with most of what is said here.


One of the major problems we have in PvP is we have much less in the way of hard cc than other classes, and the only class without a knockback.


I haven't tried rage yet, but with annihilation and carnage, even with almost spamming our slow it is very very hard to actually stay on a sorcerer, sniper, or merc... sorcerers especially.


Also, any class with a heal (Sorcerer, Operative, Mercenary) are almost impossible to actually kill with carnage/annihilation so far for me, especially annihilation as we are DoT damage not burst.


Quite annoying.


the sorc KB and snare is just silly, the imperial trip and stab is silly, the Blind grenades are silly, the kicks in the nuts are silly, the freeze grenade are silly....what can marauders do aoe stun break on dmg GFG


either make more stuns break on dmg or they need to HEAVILY tweak the Resolve bar. Mine dosent do anything I get chanied CC for 3 full stuns....JUST AWFUL.

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yeah lets not start the elitest stuffs. i know that personally i do well in pvp in both the dmg meters and objection. the point of the matter is that we have MINIMAL cc if you can even call it that with low survivability to be honest. the most i can do ( which is quite a bit tbh ) is saber throw snare and ravage snare. with gore up and snare up im hitting somewhat hard. ill just be happy with the dmg i can out put atm and not go any further.


can we get an admin response as to how gore actually works? i mean...adds 100% armor pen. OKAY now does that mean it reduces their armor by 100% ( which is how it SHOULD work and would be awesome ) or does it just add 100% of our current arm pen? cuz if answer 2...its kinda pointless < level 50. i have no arm pen ( as far as i know ). so adding 100% of nothing is still nothing.


give me a knock down, a push back, a disarm, SOMETHING besides a deep talent (overwhelm) that pisses people off cuz god knows everything that happens to us pisses us off. I want to be able to really be an effective force on the battle field cuz any time i see sorcs, smugglers, and tanks i KNOW theyre there. the rest are just nuisances. i dont wanna be just a nuisance like how i believe snipers are ( and imo supposed to be played as such ). as a marauder i feel we should be a power house melee force. and i feel anything BUT that. regardless, much fun. keep the constructive talk going.

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also i think one thing that really needs to be added to our class that would just make sense is an innate ability to heal ourselves over the course of a fight. lets just go with how wow works cuz it works well.


something that allows us to steal and/or regen health as we fight. the longer the fight goes, the more health we continue to heal. i mean...we can't tank, we can't heal, we have little to no hard CC. cmon bioware, i know you guys have more planned for us but as of release VERY lack luster on just over all game play utility. we're dmg dealers...but not really.


ive seen smugglers knock me down, hit me several times ( while stunned ) for 4k-6k+, stun again, more dmg, then vanish. rogue much? thats cool n all but cmon. tone that down some and just give us a little.

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yes they need to add some kida dismiss retruns this is a joke.. sometimes u are stuned to death and u can't do crap



is WHY can't i use kick pvp most cool looking skill we get .. like a ninja and i can't use it

in pvp and gold mobs.. lame really laame

Edited by Aztian
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Auto turning is retarded. It should be disabled in pvp; pvp is about skill, and that is anything but.


Marauder related,


I think we need to be fixed when it comes to pvp in general. A lot of our burst abilities (as you mentioned) don't even work in pvp. I am rage spec, and my 2nd gap closer doesn't move me towards the enemy if they are just moving; I literally jump straight in the air and back down, in the same place.

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Marauder fixes for PvP in order from most to least impacting:



1. UI "ability not firing" glitches, particularly for off-GCD abilities.

2. Target Nearest not functioning.

3. Target Next / tab targeting needs to prioritize targets: (a) within the camera's LOS, (b) starting from nearest (to the player), © followed by center (to the camera). This sequence is non-intuitive to describe, but is more intuitive during play.

4. UI "ability not firing" glitches, particularly for off-GCD abilities.

5. Resolve buildup for root effects should be greater.

6. Priority matchmaking for premade vs. premades.

7. Priority matchmaking for 50s vs. 50s.

8. Remove the animation delay on Obliterate after landing; make the player land faster; add a 1 second 50% snare.

9. UI "ability not firing" glitches, particularly for off-GCD abilities.

10. Increase the range on Obliterate to 20m.

11. Take Obfuscate off the GCD / optionally remove the rage cost.

12. Check to see if the 15% run speed boost for Ataru for Defensive Forms is actually working fully. It seems like a 7.5% run speed boost, not 15%. In addition, have it stack with Sprint.


Everything else just needs time to settle.

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hah im actually impressed. spec? say carnage and ill irl clap mah handz





The reason you can't use kick or pommel strike in PvP because players are considered champion level and if you read they tooltip you know that you can only use it on standard or weak enemies. Those abilities do need to be reworked.


It's not all that impressive, he was in a group and had at the very least one pocket healer, and possibly a tank buddy to absorb some damage for him. When I queue with healers I'm pretty unstoppable myself, queuing solo I still do well, but I'm probably going to die at least 5 times and my damage will be in the 200k+ range.


The truly irritating thing is for other classes to just run around in circles firing away at me, while I have to be facing them just to get a majority of my abilities to work. Something needs to be done about that ASAP.


I said all through my general beta testing that SWs need either a humanoid CC, longer stun or knockback or the other classes's knockbacks need to be disabled or nerfed in PvP only. It's not that hard to split abilities for PvE and PvP.


Huttball really brings this to light, when you can literally be destroying a SI only to have their knockback come off CD and then get knocked back into poison,fire or off a ledge and they escape to fight again. Forget it if they are high enough level to have put points into the root that procs off the knockback. Huttball victories come down to whichever side has the most SIs/JCs.

Edited by Temeluchus
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My main concern is not that I do too little dmg (once I've got someone cornered 1v1 I can usually get the upper hand by using all the cd's there are unless he's a sorc / sniper that has the high ground (charge, knockback, stun, dead)...


But the stuns are just way too powerful..a range class doesn't need so many snares to be viable, heck the one with 4-5 seconds is already ridiculous, anyone who's ever played any pvp in any game knows that stuns > 2 seconds in PvP are simply overpowered...


Usually fights vs ranged classes work this way for me :


I run towards him (if I'm not already dead, stunned or both) and try to get crippling up, he uses knockback, I use charge, he uses 4-5 sec cc -> I'm dead




I charge, he uses knockback, I'm rooted -> I'm dead




I charge, he uses stun, goes into cover far far away, I can't charge -> I'm dead



Even if I break the first cc he still has another one that should brake on dmg (which it often doesn't for some strange kind of reason)...


Again I don't think Marauder is bad per se but those cc's need a nerf in order to make pvp enjoyable for everyone, especially all the poor melees out there that have little to no cc...



P.S.: Why is it that my force choke often fails to root the enemy ? How come that my charge doesn't really root a lot of people ? And why do ranged classes have increased speed on top of their cc ? (I'm the one that has to run around like hell so give that stuff to us -- Yes I know that Carnage has speed buff but I prefer Annihilation / Rage)...


well...lets hope they fix it anyway

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THANK YOU! All these people whining and I completely murder with this class..... That is however an impressive score, highest I have ever seen. Could you message me any tips?


Tips Yes-

1. Get Team speak

2. Queue with friends

3. Move in three man groups

4. Diversify Healer & Protector

5. Commence noob killing

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Marauder fixes for PvP in order from most to least impacting:



1. UI "ability not firing" glitches, particularly for off-GCD abilities.

2. Target Nearest not functioning.

3. Target Next / tab targeting needs to prioritize targets: (a) within the camera's LOS, (b) starting from nearest (to the player), © followed by center (to the camera). This sequence is non-intuitive to describe, but is more intuitive during play.

4. UI "ability not firing" glitches, particularly for off-GCD abilities.

5. Resolve buildup for root effects should be greater.

6. Priority matchmaking for premade vs. premades.

7. Priority matchmaking for 50s vs. 50s.

8. Remove the animation delay on Obliterate after landing; make the player land faster; add a 1 second 50% snare.

9. UI "ability not firing" glitches, particularly for off-GCD abilities.

10. Increase the range on Obliterate to 20m.

11. Take Obfuscate off the GCD / optionally remove the rage cost.

12. Check to see if the 15% run speed boost for Ataru for Defensive Forms is actually working fully. It seems like a 7.5% run speed boost, not 15%. In addition, have it stack with Sprint.


Everything else just needs time to settle.


I would agree with a lot of this. My major problems with Marauder in its current state aren't even so much "I NEED MORE DPS" or anything it's more like ATLEAST fix the bugs the class has. Smash not actually landing half the time when you use it. Ravage top talent in Carnage to root people in place not working 90% of the time, or only half working where they walk out of it half way through. Force Choke not choking people who are not immune and simply walking around but still doing damage without the CC. Even my Deadly Throw sometimes doesn't CC properly. The class might actually be pretty solid if all the stuff that we DO have actually WORKED consistently. Then all the above baout GCD glitches, abilities not firing right, general clunkiness and facing problems where they don't fire right.. etc etc

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Simple fact, 90% of PVP testing was done in a optimal environment. Now add thousands of players to the server and watch response time drop. It comes down to the system not updating you position & action in the limited time window required for smooth game play.


Beta wasn't like this, what changed was the influx of additional players.

Edited by Hellstone
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