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What I would like in 6.0


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With 6.0 in development I just wanted to share my thoughts of what I think would be nice for the next expansion. This is not my dream scenario, but a suggestion of what i think would be possible to actually do.


All the expansions so far have had good and bad elements that didn't quite work. So this time I think it would be a good idea to take the things that worked really well in the individual expansions. So I wont focus on the negative, but just the positive:





One of the things this expansion really had going for it was the different stories for empire and republic. It made it truly enjoyable to do with the other faction. It would be nice to see something like this based on what faction the alliance chooses to side with.



There are many things this expansion did right, but since we know that it will already be something like this, I would like to focus on something unique. The small piece of story that was class specific. I know that having a unique class story is unlikely, but I really liked that little side quest that was related to that class. It was an important callback and I would like to see something like this again - longer if possible of course, but I'm not picky :p



Chapters: It was awesome that we could replay the story content again on the same character. Though we all have alts, each one brings something unique to the story be it class, romance or alignment. Whether the story comes in the form of FP or cutscenes I would like it to be repeatable. There are a lot of us who like story and for us, this would be a nice feature to keep from these two expansions.



Companions are important to many of us - especially our romances. The more we see them the better, but I know there also has to be some realism to this.


Cutscenes: I would love to have some personal cutscenes with our LI. This is something KOTET and KOTFE got right, but sadly not as many for the "old" companions as Lana and Theron. I would love us to keep having these in the next expansion and at least one mission where it will be out LI that joins us - at least as a supporting character. Example: on Nathema and Umbrara we had Lana as our companion and Theron as a second character. It's fine to have one character with you that drives that story, but having our LI there (or another companion) as a secondary would be really nice. I would suggest that our LI is the "main" companion though, as they usually have a higher level.


Background: I understand that there are limits to what can be done with companions, but I would personally get a kick out of just seeing them around. Example: In the beginning of the cutscene the Commander is talking to an NPC, while they are approached by the character leading the story forward. Let this NPC be the LI. They don't have to have any lines or anything like that, it just shows that they are still around. Throw in that sweet cheek kiss Quinn gives the SW at one point and you will get some of us to smile :) It's not a big thing to do and most of the time you have to animate some sort of background anyway.



They are such little things, but they are appreciated by many of us. Nathema lacked letters from all our LI. The only ones (that I know of) who got one, are those who are romancing Arcann - which is nice, but I would like to hear from the others as well. If this expansions is a lot like SOR I would suggest one in the beginning, just to get a sort of "status update" with what is going on in the galaxy and some romance mention. And then one at the end as well.


Group content:

This is all pretty "standard" as requests goes, but I'll mention them because they are important.

  • Operations
  • New Flash Points
  • A new Warzone
  • A new starfighter map
  • New dalies


Since the galaxy is obviously fighting for resources I can see this working well for fighting over territory and resources.



And finally an event suggestion: Children's charity. I would love for there to be an event, where let's say 50% of cartel coins spend on certain cartel market items would go to for example the "Make a wish foundation". The event could introduce new cartel market items like: Decorations; toys, beds, children/personnel.


There could also be quests were you had to recruit for sensitive children for the faction you have decided to side with. Both the sith and jedi have lost a lot of numbers during the war with Zakuul and need to bolster their numbers. You could also introduce a pod-racing quest. :p


Thank you very much for reading my long post :D

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I’d like for us to have more interactions with our companions then we have had. We got so many yet got very little interaction with them. I don’t want Lana or Theron’s roles to be diminished either. SOR by far is my favorite expansion and I was happy that Theron and Lana returned in KOTFE. They have been a part of us for so long and I have of course romanced Theron on several of my characters and really do not want to lose him now nor Lana. Edited by DarthEnrique
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yeah shadow of revan and Maked were good . Well...just a nit pick , plz stop making the repb side so booring lol doing Makeb on Emp was so much fun ! but on repb side..it was not as much fun .


Give us new vilains that are you know..not just Bigger then you (like Revan , seriously *** was that) , and not just annoying one like the Knight that you can't CC , or crazy ones that you need to use whatever is around you to defeat (making us feel helpless and totally lame , aka the fight with arcann and Vaylin ) .


I want Vilain like Madara goddamnit! :p

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Really Star Forge? I barely can do some heroics because there is just too many people trying to do the same heroic . Most days the fleet is crowded and so are many other areas, it wasn't so bad before the merge. Now sometimes it is neck to neck full of people.
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Really Star Forge? I barely can do some heroics because there is just too many people trying to do the same heroic . Most days the fleet is crowded and so are many other areas, it wasn't so bad before the merge. Now sometimes it is neck to neck full of people.


Talon strikes has received a case of MCB syndrome, don't worry about him quite yet, it will pass over with time... hopefully... or else....


I will back him up and say that satele shan does see some rough pops at times for all activities, but surely not to the point where we need a merger quite yet.


As to the OP... yesh plz. Two stories, one for imp and pub, a class specific mission or two with old school comps, replay ability, old companions being relevant with proper returns, and moar group content.

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At this point, I'm still wondering if 6.0 will be anything resembling a real expansion, as opposed to a normal update that they just decide to label 6.0 because it starts the post-Eternal Empire storyline.


The way Keith has talked about regular updates vs a larger expansion as if that is now an "either-or" choice, when in the past we would obviously get both, doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Talon strikes has received a case of MCB syndrome, don't worry about him quite yet, it will pass over with time... hopefully... or else....


I will back him up and say that satele shan does see some rough pops at times for all activities, but surely not to the point where we need a merger quite yet.


As to the OP... yesh plz. Two stories, one for imp and pub, a class specific mission or two with old school comps, replay ability, old companions being relevant with proper returns, and moar group content.


No, Satele Shan server is fine. See over 100 people on the Imp Fleet. People just may not be doing the activities anymore due to how badly conquest was done but I have had no issues. Me I stopped queuing for a lot of things and just get on and run other stuff. I rarely queue for flashpoints anymore. Recently I been too busy grinding Nathema solo to get stuff.

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There is one thing I want in 6.0. I want the choices at the end of Nathema to actually matter...



allowing us to choose whether we are Republic or Imperial after the Alliance dissolves. I want a faction change option, so we have the ability to defect to the other side. I do not want to see multiple times of us betraying our original faction, and helping the opposite one, only for the final result to be that our original faction still welcomes us back with open arms and the one we've been supporting still treats us like an enemy.



I want choices that actually matter for the story.

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