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Legacy and Planetary Lore


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Ok I finished 'Smuggler' storlyline thsi week, and I am going back on my legacy sheet. I am trying to complete the planetary stuff, and level Legacy.


It says I am at 88% on Ord Mantell, and I need to find some Droids and Kill or find a creature. I also need to do 'Ruled by Coruption' ... I have a Trooper as well, and I am figuring that some of these quests are 'Class Specific'.


Is that true?

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Generally, things that are class specific don't count as such for other classes by design, though there are a couple ones that do by mistake (for example, getting one of the Bestiary codices on Korriban involves entering an instance that only "natives" can enter naturally). However, some codices are either bugged to not appear at all, or only appear in certain limited fashion. For example, for "Ruled by Corruption", IIRC, you only get it if you take the Light side ending to that particular mission (or perhaps vice-versa? It's been a while).
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Ok I finished 'Smuggler' storlyline thsi week, and I am going back on my legacy sheet. I am trying to complete the planetary stuff, and level Legacy.


It says I am at 88% on Ord Mantell, and I need to find some Droids and Kill or find a creature. I also need to do 'Ruled by Coruption' ... I have a Trooper as well, and I am figuring that some of these quests are 'Class Specific'.


Is that true?

The droids are the MCR-99 droids that are associated with the Macrobinoculars missions. Leave them be unless you have a Pub-side character at level 50+. (All you have to do is use the Macrobinoculars to look at them.) The Macrobinocular missions are available from various places, notably a droid near the exit from the Coruscant spaceport, but also ... somewhere ... on the Fleet. Note: the missions do not directly involve the MCR-99 droids - they are a "collect this" achievement that uses the mission tools. (Dulfy has a guild that will help you find them.)


The other stuff is *probably* linked to the Trooper story, and that will require you to run a commando or vanguard around Ord Mantell.


These are achievements, and so they are shared among all the characters in your legacy, and any character can contribute.

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