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Sith Warrior/Inquisitor Ending (SPOILERS)


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Honestly, ever since the level lock feature I just dread ending those class stories because I know I'm going to have these two people built up over the entire story (Warrior) or the entire act 3 (Inquisitor) and then to finally face them and they're ruined in 3 hits. It just feels odd to me. I really hate that the level lock messed up the ending to those two classes in terms of difficulty in a very negative way. I know it'll never happen, but I really wish the level lock would be removed in the council room simply so the fights are actually engaging again.
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Honestly, ever since the level lock feature I just dread ending those class stories because I know I'm going to have these two people built up over the entire story (Warrior) or the entire act 3 (Inquisitor) and then to finally face them and they're ruined in 3 hits. It just feels odd to me. I really hate that the level lock messed up the ending to those two classes in terms of difficulty in a very negative way. I know it'll never happen, but I really wish the level lock would be removed in the council room simply so the fights are actually engaging again.


I agree, or that there would be a veteran or master mode for that content.


Some of the impact of the story is undercut by gameplay that has become way too easy since 4.0. The conclusion of the Jedi Knight class story is probably the most jarring example, since he or she fights the Emperor. Originally that fight was a moderate challenge and if you didn't pay attention to the mechanics you got globaled. He'd one shot you. Now you can ignore mechanics and kill the Emperor in a single rotation, or even walk away from the computer and let your companion solo him.

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I'm never max level by the time I hit the class story bosses, mainly because I don't do anything but the main quest line (I can only do planetary quests and side stuff so many times). And even right on level, the bosses are very easy. That's thanks to nerfing and people who complain about things being too hard. I mean, I'm a solo player, but I do like a challenge here and there. I remember Baras completely wiping his *** with me the first time way back when. Now...I can get up and go get a drink and let my companion handle him.


It's a boss fight...it *should* take a few tries. It shouldn't require a group because it's class story content...but it should at least pose a challenge.

Edited by Dracofish
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I definitely agree with the OP, fighting Thanaton is so boring now a days, I remember you used to have to interrupt him and the like, I think that veteran mode for class stories and vanilla content would be awesome, but alas it would probably be too much work, there definitely needs to be something done about it though, level sync isn't the problem IMO but rather the lack of punishing mechanics, not having to interrupt or pay attention, you can get to max level without knowing your class properly and IMO this is kind of a problem if you're going for end-game content, devs mitigated this issue with veteren/master mode chapters for KOTFE and KOTET and with Eternal Championship but the base game and RoTCH/SOR still don't have that.
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I'm never max level by the time I hit the class story bosses, mainly because I don't do anything but the main quest line (I can only do planetary quests and side stuff so many times). And even right on level, the bosses are very easy. That's thanks to nerfing and people who complain about things being too hard. I mean, I'm a solo player, but I do like a challenge here and there. I remember Baras completely wiping his *** with me the first time way back when. Now...I can get up and go get a drink and let my companion handle him.


It's a boss fight...it *should* take a few tries. It shouldn't require a group because it's class story content...but it should at least pose a challenge.


Well said.


The boss fights in KOTET I think are a good example of what the class story bosses should feel like in terms of difficulty. Once upon a time, that was the case.


The KOTET bosses are able to be soloed by any player but they still provide a moderate challenge, require some basic skill with your class and attention to fight mechanics, and may result in a death or two your first time through. If and when something is ever done to fix the difficulty of class story bosses, KOTET's difficulty is what they should aim for. That would restore the old class story content to about the difficulty it had at launch.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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