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Is Star Wars secretly a prequel to Star Trek?

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I don’t know is this the place to ask this question of mine but I always wanted to ask this question to some people to get their opinion of this theory I have which is....could Star Wars and Star Trek possible take place in the same universe but just in different galaxies at different times.


After all Star Wars takes place long long ago in a galaxy far far away which could indicate that Star Wars could take place 3000 million light years away from our own galaxy and 1 million to 50 billion of years before the first lifeforms arose on our planet.


While Star Trek is our world but in the future about a few hundred years away.


My question is could it be possible that Star Wars having taken place eons before our world’s existence and also possessing very advance technology but also understanding of the Force that someone in the Star Wars universe say Emperor Palpatine could have had some kind of genetic seeding technology he had his scientists created in secret to be sent to a far away galaxy say ours to create life there.


The reason being could be that a Emperor Palpatine worried that one day if the war between the Rebel and Empire continues that the galaxy he is from could be destroyed forever....then what would he rule? So Palpatine had his scientists come up with a contingency plan to seed life in another part of the galaxy far far away from the one Star Wars takes place in so he could have a back up Empire to rule in case the one he was in now was destroyed some how?


The scientists carried out this plan of the Emperor using mostly Human DNA spliced with some alien DNA to be put into pods that were sent to a galaxy far far away from them. Then from there these pods seeded worlds in another galaxy far far away that created planets like Vulcan, the Klingon homeworld and finally Earth along with other planets from the Star Trek universe?


So Vulcans, Humans, Klingons and all aliens from the Star Trek universe are descended from Humans and some partially spliced alien DNA of the Star Wars universe. This is why so many aliens in Star Trek might appear Human like the Vulcans and Klingons....they both along with Humans and other Star Trek aliens are mainly of the DNA of the Humans from the Star Wars universe with a bit of alien here and there.


Like the Klingons could be descended from Humans, Zebrak, and other sentient life forms from the Star Wars universe that had their DNA mixed together in the world seeding pods that came into the galaxy that Star Trek takes place in?


I personally think this could be possibly with the amount of time that Star Wars takes place in leading into our time then into the Star Trek time after ours?


I know Star Trek already has their own backstory of how Humanoid life occurred in their universe with these aliens called the Preservers being the first life according to an episode from Star Trek TNG that talked about this. But what if the Preserver aliens were originally from the Star Wars universe and were held at gun point by Emperor Palpatine to do his bidding to create life in another far far away galaxy so he may have an Empire with another set of sentients elsewhere to serve him in case Darth Vader and Luke destroyed his home galaxy?


I think if Star Wars could secretly be a prequel to Star Trek, it would be a really neat and cool idea that would bring Trekkies and Star Wars fans together finally as family instead of rivals.


Also we could have crossover storyline where Captain Kirk and his crew encounter a wormhole that takes him back in time and into another galaxy far far away where the Enterprise crew end up in the middle of the Galactic Cival War.


Where Kirk and his crew end up helping the Rebels fight the Empire only for Kirk to find out later from Darth Vader that if Captain Kirk kills even one Stormtrooper, or attempts to shoot Darth Vader with his phaser or even just uses the Enterprise to lead the Rebel fleets against the Death Star.........Earth along with the Federation might not even exist a million to billion of years later as it was the Empire who had the idea to seed the galaxy that Earth was in?


Forcing Captain Kirk and Spock to really wonder is helping Luke Skywalker and Han Solo destroy the Empire really worth it as in the long run as the Rebel’s victory could mean the Empire never decides to put out there contingency plan to seed Earth in secret?


Also George Lucas even said he was big fan of Star Trek and was sort of heavily inspired by Star Trek when concienving Star Wars which he meshed with a bit of Flash Gordon. I bet if George Lucas still owned Star Wars and someone asked him to do a Star Wars/ Star Trek crossover movie he’d totally be on board as it was him being able to introduce his creation to his inspiration.


What do you guys think of my theory?

Edited by jas-thejedi-sith
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Some members of my STO alliance were talking about something similar to this. Not the force sensitive stuff. But in star trek there is a planet called Risa, it is a beach resort planet that has two suns. I started a convo like wouldn't it be funny if this was Tatooine in the past. I had basically commented on how both universes had a planet with 2 suns. And wouldn't it be funny if the star trek universe was connected to the star wars universe.. I would think Star Wars would be the far far far future. Seeing how many areas of our own planet went through different environments over thousands of years it could have been possible.


I can't remember what the end of the conversation was like, but it was a good 10 minute conversation about trying to fit star trek and star wars together. It was a fun geeky thing to do.

Edited by LeelaSeventen
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