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What will I keep when my one month subscription runs out?


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Originally I was a F2P player for a few years and never thought to spend any money on a subscription. As I was leveling my characters in F2P I found the game fun but very restrictive like when it came to a lack of cargohold access, expansions, needing to be authorized to customize companions and other cool stuff that only subscribers get.


So recently I checked the forums online here on SWTOR.com and read from some past player that if I had bought a physical SWTOR disc and registered the code that came with it I get a free one month subscription.


I so happened to have bought a physical disc of SWTOR a few years ago but lost it for a few years and only recently found it along with it’s code. I entered my code recently and discovered what life as a subscriber was like and I got to say it is pretty awesome.


I got my Trooper to lvl 70, I got cool purple weapons, armors and other stuff to my character stronger. I even got my credit cap raised from 200,000 to like unlimited status which I used to buy the Miraluka species on one of the servers I am currently playing on which I am planning on making a Miraluka smuggler character in the near future.


I also love the added edition of cargo hold access and more space in my inventory as F2P I was so limited in the amount of items I had to store there.


My question is that with my Subscription ending in 24 days like what would I get to keep?


I earned two cool purple mounts in my game which were a walker and a speeder after playing the expansions and defeating a boss in game will I still be able to use these mounts after my subscription runs out?


Will my cargo hold access on my ship still be there after my subscription runs out and I will I be able to get my stuff from there?


Will I be able to lvl my other characters to lvl 70 after my one month subscription end?


All the companions I earned in the expansions I got with the subscription will I get to keep them also after my subscription end?


Will I still be able to use chat to talk to people in game and be able to use functions like /dance and be able to make my character dance after my subscription time runs out?


Also if I buy a stronghold on Maanan will I still have access to it after my sub time runs out?


I am asking this as I read that if I sub for a month then my game time runs out I automatically become a preferred status player and I get to keep a lot of cool stuff like my expansions, any purple stuff I wore I think, anything I bought during my sub time but I was checking my status on my account that told me I had 24 days left then I am back to F2P?


Why does it say I am going back to F2P after my sub ends and not preferred player status? Did EA decide to change some recently I wasn’t told of?


I am asking all these questions as I am a new player to SWTOR and I am just worried about losing everything I earned playing this game when my sub time ends.


What will I get to keep?

Edited by jas-thejedi-sith
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Short answer: you keep almost everything. Don't worry.


Longer answer:

"F2P" is sometimes used generically to cover both your original F2P status and Preferred. You will become Preferred after your sub runs out, which is just a (better) subset of F2P.


Check this recent thread for info on what you keep, and what you might want to buy to enhance your game when it transitions to Preferred status. If you have any more Q's, feel free to ask away.


Oh, and good choice to give the subscription a try. I'd suggest you then give Pref a month or so. Since you got by as pure F2P for years, it should be a piece of cake. OTOH, after getting a taste of the perks of being a sub, maybe you'll be jaded ;)

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So I can still ride my purple Walker and use my purple speeder?


Also if my subscription runs out and I decide to level my Jedi character I can still reach lvl 70 as I have the expanisons and I get the same purple walker and purple speeder as my trooper and still use them for my Jedi too?

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The general rule is: you keep what you have unlocked.


So, you can continue to use those purple mounts you’ve unlocked on your current toon.


You also will be able to make new toons and raise them up to L70. However, you will be locked out of the whole Galactic Command thing (no command ranks, or crates), including your trooper.


Sorry, not sure how that affects purple misc items like those awarded mounts. Generally, I don’t think mounts are locked out. Tell me those items and I’ll see if I have them on my Pref account.


Not sure about all those emotes.


But back to my main point: don’t worry about every little item. The big issues are covered in the reddit page, and good tips in that other thread. I’d focus on:

a) Having fun

b) Collecting LOTS of credits so you can buy Legacy and account-wide unlocks so you ease the transition to Pref!

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