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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will Flashpoints ever be fixed?


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Specifically, Veteran flashpoints.


Seeing a level 30ish group member in a flashpoint made for level 65's is a joke. Doesn't matter how many kolto stations you put in if they don't have enough abilities to actually contribuite to the flashpoint.

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You can finish any of the veteran fps with a group of lvl 15s.

The problem isn't level, the problem is people don't learn how to play and then don't have the skill to pass fps that still requires some skill.

Agree, infact, veteran fp's are more fun with low lvl character, give some challenge. Only exeption is BH and Trainwreck(umbara) and not becouse they impossible, but both are laggy, really laggy,

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You can finish any of the veteran fps with a group of lvl 15s.

The problem isn't level, the problem is people don't learn how to play and then don't have the skill to pass fps that still requires some skill.


That could be a reason why they die to the first boss mechanic every time, sure.


The complaint should then be "Make the whole game harder so people have to learn to step it up." or "Make veteran FPs easier for these people so I don't have to solo stuff designed for 4 as a DPS."

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Specifically, Veteran flashpoints.


Seeing a level 30ish group member in a flashpoint made for level 65's is a joke. Doesn't matter how many kolto stations you put in if they don't have enough abilities to actually contribuite to the flashpoint.


Ofcourse and you cant expect high skill qualities for example from LVL 15 player. I dont know if it is fair to let players with such a low level to play these flashpoints before they gain some knowledge about the gameplay. It just makes other players angry on them and increases toxicity which is enough of it here.

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I would've liked some more consistency. I see mention of "flashpoint made for level 65s", but why then is Battle of Rishi so very much easier in veteran than Blood Hunt? The manner in which they are tuned is largely irrelevant to the level that they were originally intended for.


I would really like to see Blood Hunt looked at, because that second boss fight is just too random in veteran (I'd go as far as to saying that the same good group of players will have significantly more chance of wiping on that fight on veteran than on master), and admittedly I've not played the latest two FPs much in veteran because I just don't play veteran so much anymore (actually, really just when leveling characters, I consider them lowbie content, for the most part), so I can't say much about those, but are there any others that are problematic?


That's what I can't really gather from the OP. Where exactly are the problems you're seeing?

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That's what I can't really gather from the OP. Where exactly are the problems you're seeing?


The biggest is a lack of DPS from 4 DPS players. Boss fights go on forever, the kolto stations can't respawn fast enough. I had attributed that to "not enough abilities to have a DPS rotation".

Or that I'm tanking as a sith sorc while trying to heal them- which, again, is a sign of lack of DPS, if they're not out-threating heals.


A secondary problem is not grasping basic mechanics, like kill the weakest/adds first, don't stand in fire, etc.

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Dont see the issue from a DPS stand point. Mostly every Vet FP in this game can be either solo'd or duo - comps included. Even BT HM can be solo'd with range heal comp. 3 more lower DPS is just an added bonus to a carried group through a Vet FP.


In saying that, I can see your point as being a healer instead of a DPS.

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