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Quads and Pods vs BLC's and Clusters for Sting/Flashfire?


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For head-to-head approaches, I'd say Quads and Pods will be better, because you'll have a far longer engagement range to begin firing, and it suggests you'll be fairly lined up with your target. The short effective engagement range of BLC's means that in a head-to-head approach, your window to shoot will be extremely short before you've already passed each other, and in the meantime, you'd be getting pelted by an opponent's longer-ranged weaponry.


It all depends on your flying style. If you get into a turning war after the initial pass, BLC's will be better in that situation. But if you disengage after the initial pass to line up another head-to-head joust, Quads will likely serve you better.

Edited by HeatRacer
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For head-to-head approaches, I'd say Quads and Pods will be better, because you'll have a far longer engagement range to begin firing, and it suggests you'll be fairly lined up with your target. The short effective engagement range of BLC's means that in a head-to-head approach, your window to shoot will be extremely short before you've already passed each other, and in the meantime, you'd be getting pelted by an opponent's longer-ranged weaponry.


It all depends on your flying style. If you get into a turning war after the initial pass, BLC's will be better in that situation. But if you disengage after the initial pass to line up another head-to-head joust, Quads will likely serve you better.


Do either of the other weapons pair decently with Clusters? I'm uncomfortable with BLC's, I can't use them worth a crap. Are Lights or Rapids good enough to run with Clusters, or do BLC's just blow them away that badly?

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Quads and cluster pair nicely, BUT, you sacrifice and Armor penetration on any weapon, meaning that turrets and charged plating build will be a pain in the bottom.


BLC is superior to LLC and to Rapids, but Rapids are...ATM in a better spot, but just don't work that well on T2 scout, cause of relatively long TTK. Most common pairings are Quads/Pods, BLC/Pods, BLC/Cluster.


I would also note that at current meta, Quads on t2 scout are...underwhelming since the nerf. Also with super buffed shields for basically everything, 9/10 times experienced player will just tank them. Yet they are a still a viable threat to other scouts


OFC situationally they could work. But truth to be told, without BLC, T2 scout is barely worth using, except VERY unique role of gunship hunting, and considering how peelable scouts are now...other ships are better GS counters, most of the time

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