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Dumb question but when is the next part of the story due?


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Next story segment is will be part of Update 5.9, sometime in April (no set date yet, but I'd assume fairly late in the month):

April – Game Update 5.9 - The Nathema Conspiracy


  • This year’s story has shown the final ramifications of the path that Valkorion first chose when he devastated Nathema, so it’s only natural that we go there to bring that story to its exciting conclusion.

[. . .]



  • Companion Return: Felix Iresso – The Jedi Consular’s loyal soldier has had a rough time these last few years – can the Consular help him?
  • Companion Return: Mako and Akaavi - Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are reunited with this duo, who’ve been working together during the players’ absence.
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