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<Asterian Dynasty> Med-Heavy RP, Dynamic RP, Sith & Imperial alike!


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If the Asterian Dynasty has peaked your interest, or if you have any questions regarding what has been written here do not hesitate to contact an officer or the Admin! Our site is: https://tady.enjin.com


Taecenyx Asteria = Admin

Shasae Asteria = Admin

Taskin Cole = Officer

Mol'grash = Officer

Kahlrehv Valihil = Officer

Varnakous = Recruiter

Trava'ruon'initi = Recruiter


The Overview

The Asterian Dynasty is a powerbase centered around a quasi-realistic take on authentic Sith role-play, with a flavourful element of the noble side playing in the background. We strive to organise compelling storylines where player-choices actually matter to be rid of that linear feel. We expect to see interesting synergies between diverse and unique character personalities and feel immersed in the role-play we do. We’re no strangers to DM events and thus, a member could expect to see quite a few of these pop up! We are a guild that intends to traverse the entire galaxy, without restricting ourselves to one specific area or hub. We also offer a rather diverse yet heavily in depth progressive system without the harsh lines between stipulations, granting more fluidity between the ranks for role-play.


We'll travel to wherever our storyline should realistically take us. Does that mean we'll be entirely separated from the community? Of course not! There's evidently going to be some downtime between events as well as a few moments in which we aim to recruit and progress in our personal role-play. These times we will often station upon the Asteria or the current outpost we claim dominion. We do NOT intend for the majority of our role-play to happen in any major hubs, we only remain within such places for an extended period of time if we can justify out stay with the guilds goals at the time.


Does quasi-realistic mean that we flat-out shun anything a little far fetched? Of course not, we have a circle specifically for sorcerers and those that dabble within the more sensitive areas. We recognise that our guild is based in the Star Wars universe and that the Galaxy is high-fantasy sci-fi filled with surrealism. The realism we speak of entails the logical amount of time and training it would take to progress within our hierarchy. We also prefer characters with realistic strength and capabilities and thus, nothing over the top. By this, we mean that the characters within the storyline and the lore are what we aspire to be, regardless of the length of time you have had your character, in role-play we are simply those below those figure heads if you will that carry out the more minuscule deeds for the Empire. Powerful characters are naturally welcome depending on the situation at the time, so long as you can justify their power and don't take it too far.


A progression system? A statement we are probably all used to seeing by now in guild recruitment messages...However, we hope to offer something a little more different! As previously stated we value realism and basic logic in order to progress within our hierarchy. This means that in most cases we ask that you start from the bottom and work your way up unless you are a previous member that has prestige within the guild from before or someone within the guild can vouch for you and an in-depth summarization to your character is given. The Education system alone is run by dedicated members to offer the most informative yet fun and easy going way of learning. The Military offers more or less the same when it comes to progression yet there will always be the chances for more personal character progress should you take the initiative to look for it.




The Asterian Dynasty is a powerbase, sworn to the noble house of Asteria. It’s first installment followed subsequently to the death of Naga Sadow in 4400 BBY, to which the order was then officially founded in 4376 BBY by Lord Tyrasis Asteria. The invaders had left naught but obliterated ruinages and tarnished lands in their destructive wake, needless to say that the father of Tyrasis had also fallen during the current war efforts and thus he deemed it wise to establish a grounding for the Asterian family that would only flourish over the generations. Tyrasis Asteria, ancestor to Tybyrius Asteria cemented the foundations for the Oathsworn of the Asterian Dynasty when the news reached his ears; “Never to us.” he thought. With a fragmented galaxy in turmoil and an influx of refugees, did Tyrasis see to it that is entourage of Oathsworn Knights were to be considered an elite force to be reckoned with. They terminated everything that would see House Asteria, or it’s loyal subjects harmed. They aided the Empire by fending off the common enemy and combating the threat in unison.


Tyrasis spearheaded the Knights until he grew venerable. His last incursion saw him ride into battle during an outbreak between factions with a possé of his most trusted at his back. Sadly, the man had grown renowned of age and incapable to defeat the swarm that had come his way. He fell to the Republic forces and with it the order of the Asterian Dynasty was no more and thus it faded into obscurity along with his legacy.


After generations had passed, the illustrious Tybyrius Asteria was forced to evacuate and abandon his ancestral home to spare his subjects and his own untimely end at the hand of those that sought to oppose him. During his absence Lord Asteria decided to seek out the secrets that had long since been forgotten of the Asterian ancestry. Following the ruse of his death, with an Empire in turmoil once again, did the Lord Asteria decide to honour his predecessors by reinstating the order of the Asterian Dynasty now that the fate of not only House Asteria, but the entire galaxy hung in the balance.


Over the years, Tybyrius had expanded upon the initial foundations of the Dynasty and brought it to the laudation it was known for today. After many years, the prestigious Lord Asteria decided to hand the Legacy down to his son; Taecenyx. The aspiring young Lord had decided to branch out the reaches of the Dynasty even further, and thus it was reinstated once again in present day with fresh eyes.



What is the Asterian Dynasty?

Forged from what was once a fragmented powerbase the Dynasty has risen to take back what is rightfully their place within the Empire once more. Operating from the Asteria the order will carve its way to glory once more. The new foundations of the Dynasty is lead under the watchful eye of Lord and Lady Asteria, augmented by their trusted council members; Archon Sicarius and Warlord Mol’grash.


The Asterian Dynasty is in all essence a powerbase centered around the Noble House of Asteria that seeks to uphold their renowned status. It is a branch of the Empire; tasked with traversing across the Galaxy to uncharted planets and systems. Their quest is not only to discover these new systems but to explore the undiscovered regions, fortifying an outpost upon the surface to carry out our examination; relaying the collected data back to the Empire. Not only will we station upon these planets for pioneering purposes but to find rare and valuable resources and artifacts that may be beneficial not just for the Empire but for the Dynasty itself.


Inside of the Dynasty there are two stipulations to aid in their ventures, without the harsh lines. Whilst upon the Asteria those within the order players will be able to freely interact with the environment provided by those upon the Council. Allowing you to choose between the Academic side where you will be taught under the esteemed Archon Sicarius and his team, offering a realistic take on Sith roleplay with a proper progression system for your character.


If Sith roleplay doesn’t take your fancy we offer in-depth military roleplay for those that aren’t one with the force. Spearheaded by our Warlord Mol’grash they are offered the same level of progression as those that have decided to take the Academic path.


You can choose to play the more strategic game within the guild and progress through one of the two stipulations or you can play something more personal and casual along the lines of a diplomat or a medic as an example. What you choose to be within the Dynasty is of your choice, you will not be forced into a role. If you decide that you wish to try something different you are free to switch between the stipulations or another casual role.

Edited by TyberGaming
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