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Group finder doesn't work


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I have this problem from about 10 days when clck "join queue" nothing happens and this problem is only in one char, i've opened 2 ticket but the support reply me "that is a bug and we'll fix in a futere game updare"..!!!! ok but when, i pay for a game that works at 100% and you MUST fix as soon as possible.

I wait a reply from one DEV

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I can contest to your bug.


Joined a LFM ToS group on the fleet today. During the Op, two healers had to go. Leader left to fleet to recruit more. Once on fleet he could not requeue. He left the group, from that point the group didn't have a leader, all assist. I could not do /leave. Had to log out sametime with the other person left in group. Logged back in, got reinvited, I had a lockout timer, that showed no time. Dropped group, could not queue for anything in group finder. Switched characters, could not queue in groupfinder.


"Join Queue" Action: Click - Response: Nothing


This is what is broken.


Edit: Just found out, for some reason, after 3 years of monthly payments of 15$ - I am now f2p, which shouldnt be - have until the 19 of Feb. So this may be your issue too. Found out noticing fleet was very silent.

Edited by -Highsteel-
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the problem is that when I click "join queue" on group finder nothing happens, the button doesn't work and then I can't join any op, fp ...only works for the pvp


Under the group queue section on the bottom right is an option that says "Filter". Do you have any options selected? I know that if you have nothing selected it won't let you queue. I'd try to use the "Toggle All Selections" option to see what happens.

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  • 2 years later...
I have the same problem. Did you solve it?


It's probably a lockout timer running in the background because you left a group or got kicked. You should be able to queue again after 15 minutes. Sometimes the timer is hidden, for example when you got kicked from the server and relogged.

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