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Mainhand weapon swap for Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent?


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Given the current state of the game and the reported lack of development resources, I'm not sure if this will even get looked at let alone added to a development list, but if I didn't post the suggestion at all, it would have zero chance of happening.


My lottery analogy aside, I'd like to suggest that the mainhand weapons for Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent be switched. It has never made sense for the Bounty Hunter to have a pistol while the Operative has a rifle. The BH should be carrying a rifle, and the Agent should be carrying a pistol. I believe this is the way it is for the Republic versions of those classes (Mercenary vs Smuggler), so why isn't it the same for the Imperial side? If it's not too difficult to do, I'd love to see this change implemented before 6.0. Of course, I'm wishing there.


Thanks at least if any developers read this.

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This would well work with the upcoming weapon designer, IF it will come... And while at this, we would get a new skill to use the offhand weapon of Trooper and Agent. This would be just a single shot with damage according to the default attack of the character, with a 10s CD or being an instant skill (IMO I'd prefer it to be an instant skill, like the knife throwing with the Agent).
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For agent using pistol, against BH forced to use rifle.


If both are given the choice, it's the best of both worlds.


It just looks silly when my BH is running around with a pistol. Besides, Commando/Smuggler mainhands are already rifle/pistol, respectively. All I'm asking for is that the Imperial mirror classes be consistent.

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The *Commando* mainhand is the Honking Big Gun, not a poxy rifle.


You're right, of course. But they aren't using a pistol, at least. For the BH, especially one with Mandalorian nuances, the rifle would be most fitting. In the movies, we see them using either rifles or dual pistols (which the Mercenary does). Either way, I don't think it's an unreasonable request.

Edited by Mournblood
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Given the current state of the game and the reported lack of development resources, I'm not sure if this will even get looked at let alone added to a development list, but if I didn't post the suggestion at all, it would have zero chance of happening.


My lottery analogy aside, I'd like to suggest that the mainhand weapons for Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent be switched. It has never made sense for the Bounty Hunter to have a pistol while the Operative has a rifle. The BH should be carrying a rifle, and the Agent should be carrying a pistol. I believe this is the way it is for the Republic versions of those classes (Mercenary vs Smuggler), so why isn't it the same for the Imperial side? If it's not too difficult to do, I'd love to see this change implemented before 6.0. Of course, I'm wishing there.


Thanks at least if any developers read this.


Just pointing out an error here: Those Republic mirrors are Commando (not Mercenary - which is a Bounty Hunter) and Smuggler.


I don't see anything strange in Bounty Hunters using pistols (see the movies). The only time you see Jango Fett use a rifle is when he snipes that assassin. When he fights Obi-Wan he uses a pistol (among his other tools). When he gets pwnd by Mace Windu he was using a pistol. Although I do think VG's and PT's should use a vibro-staff or dual wield something like stun batons.


I do agree about operatives (but not IA's as a whole). Operatives healers are okay using carbines, and I'd even go as far as to say they'd be okay with a pistol. I feel that the concealment operative shouldn't have a pistol or rifle. They should dual wield vibro-knives with their basic default attack being changed to a knife throw.


Basically, melee-centric classes should use melee weapons.

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Just pointing out an error here: Those Republic mirrors are Commando (not Mercenary - which is a Bounty Hunter) and Smuggler.


I don't see anything strange in Bounty Hunters using pistols (see the movies). The only time you see Jango Fett use a rifle is when he snipes that assassin. When he fights Obi-Wan he uses a pistol (among his other tools). When he gets pwnd by Mace Windu he was using a pistol. Although I do think VG's and PT's should use a vibro-staff or dual wield something like stun batons.


I do agree about operatives (but not IA's as a whole). Operatives healers are okay using carbines, and I'd even go as far as to say they'd be okay with a pistol. I feel that the concealment operative shouldn't have a pistol or rifle. They should dual wield vibro-knives with their basic default attack being changed to a knife throw.


Basically, melee-centric classes should use melee weapons.


I guess it's obvious that I don't play on the Republic side. Nevertheless, I do have a (Lethality) Operative. As he is a hybrid ranged/melee, it's appropriate that he has both a blaster and a knife. Unfortunately, that blaster happens to be a rifle, not a pistol, which would make it kinda hard to hold a blaster in one hand and a vibroknife in the other. Unless you're Rambo. Again, it just doesn't make a lot of sense that Agents have rifles, and Bounty Hunters don't.


As for the movie canon, there are also plenty of scenes where BHs are using rifles, not just pistols (e.g. we see Boba Fett with a blaster rifle on Cloud City in ESB). It might be too difficult to code it so that we have that choice, but if Operatives should be carrying pistols (which I don't think anyone is arguing against here), then the "rifleman" role would necessarily migrate to the BH.

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while I could agree that ONE of the BH specs should have rifle, I also think using blaster ( and dual) makes some lore sense.

If we look to most BHs they actually use pistols, Cad Bane, Mira (Kotor 2) and others.

However for some of the specs a rifle makes more "sense", like for the Mercenary.



Now if I were to make mirrored classes I would have done so from the start, and it would look something like this


Republic: Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Trooper, AGENT, Smuggler, BH

Empire: Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Trooper, Agent, smuggler, BH


Here I would allow both sides to pick the trooper class, agent, smuggler and BH classes, with only different class stories depending on faction.


I would have given pistols as a default "pew pew" only to all classes, then allowing the trooper to spec into using cannons, on both sides as we see IMP heavies using cannons.


While I would whished for a 3rd spec option for the trooper:Sniper, I am fine with this for the agent.


Now the agent would use the pistol, if spec as a sniper the pistol turns to pew pew, and sniper rifle is added as main.

Both sides have a active intelligence, and both sides have snipers.


Smugglers are "criminals" and by defualt, much like BHs should be something both sides can use, hence why both factions have the classes.

They use pistol, and scattegun like now, no issue here, allowed for both factions.


BH the same, allowed for both factions, and allowing for specs to include rifle at the cost of turning pistol into pew pew.


An alternative would be to add a new spec to all classes, in this spec allow for things like rifle for the agent an BH, a sidearm to match cutscenes etc.


But the way it is now works fine, given there is no different in damage dealt by "any" weapon.


Now to be able to customize the weapon in outfit designer is something I am hoping for and I think will maybe come.

However, I can not see it being an easy fix to allow a pistol user look like a rifle user.


However, using a "rifle" and a knife ( agent) I would say depends on the "rifle" used.

Let's look to the movies, if we look at ANH, and the running around on the Death Star shooting up stuff, we see that the blaster RIFLE of the stormtroopers is wieldable one handed and is used in several scenes as a "huge" pistol, without any noticeable lack of accuracy.


So I would argue it you use the right length rifle for your Agent, it could be a "pistol look", and with some pistols in the game being H U G E I can imagine some very similar to a carbine type, again using this skin will then add an element of the "rifle look".

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Now to be able to customize the weapon in outfit designer is something I am hoping for and I think will maybe come.

However, I can not see it being an easy fix to allow a pistol user look like a rifle user.

I don't want weapons in Outfit Designer. I want a similar feature for just weapons, so I can switch looks independently of my armour, and vice versa.


And I suspect the system's behavious with a "different" weapon underneath is exactly the problem they need to solve. Personally, I'd suggest that "rifle hiding pistol" isn't ever going to happen, but the "real" cases are singlesabre<=>dualsabre, sniperrifle<=>blasterrifle, and rifle<=>cannon.

However, using a "rifle" and a knife ( agent) I would say depends on the "rifle" used.

Let's look to the movies, if we look at ANH, and the running around on the Death Star shooting up stuff, we see that the blaster RIFLE of the stormtroopers is wieldable one handed and is used in several scenes as a "huge" pistol, without any noticeable lack of accuracy.

I think you mean "without any noticeable accuracy". The words "lack of" seem out of place.

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No Mercenaries should stay dual wielding pistols but the Powertech should be wielding a rifle for sure.


So I understand the swap of Powertech and Operatives weapon wielding.


That's essentially what I am suggesting, only worded more succinctly.

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Aren't powertechs "stealth melee" like operatives (stealth as in wields a gun but actually needs to be up close, not stealth as in actual stealth)? If so, a rifle seems as pointless on them as it is on operatives (unless they have more do to with it than the basic attack).


PTs, like Lethality Operatives, are hybrid melee/ranged. They have attacks at both ranges, but their rotations require them to come into melee range.

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Perhaps the classes or specs should have been named differently.


If we look at how it is mirrored we see the that it makes no real sense mirror vise.


BH mirrored to Smuggler would work,both being an "underworld" class, but they do not mirror in specs, with the BH having no stealth.


Trooper and Agent, both being military do somehow mirror, but again you have the stealth vs not in the mirroring


Jedi and sith classes however do mirror.


Now to mirror them better.


Now if each side could use each weapon, meaning a republic sniper rifle user and an imperial cannon gunner then I think mirroring the classes would be even better.


The issue I see is the classes animations, using a rifle one handed ( if used by BH) or a pistol used two handed ( like agent) or something shooting from the hip if the commando changed the gun, though that could work.

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The issue I see is the classes animations, using a rifle one handed ( if used by BH) or a pistol used two handed ( like agent) or something shooting from the hip if the commando changed the gun, though that could work.


If I had to guess, I'd bet that's the real issue here - the animations. That said, it shouldn't be too difficult for them to change those around since it wouldn't require them to code it from scratch. Just copy/paste code modules.

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