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Advice for the Gunnery to Assault switch for PvP


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So I've been a Gunnery Commando for 40 levels now, and just unlocked Demo Round. I fully enjoy PvP as a gunner, although its pretty reliant on Grav round, HIB and full auto rotations. PvP seems to be about getting set up, and unloading for as long as possible, Grav, Grav, Demo, Full Auto if Grav round makes the yellow swirls appear, HIB, Grav round, Target is dead, press tab, Grav, Grav, etc until they close and kill me or run behind cover or run away out of range. Sometimes they close right away, sometimes I get set up and melt people all day. Once in a great while I get to Mortor Volley a group of 6 or so and watch the little yellow numbers bounce all over the place, which is extremely satisfying, and once in a while I even get away and heal myself. I also have been very successful in my limited open world PvP confrontations, with Dorne healing me.


The consensus seems to be that Gunnery is for PVE and Assault is more for PVP. I've decided to try it, and looking at the tree I have a general idea why its better to be mobile and throw stuff and light people on fire and still have a chance to get away once in a while. I don't fully understand everything though, and thought others might be thinking about this move as well. I know some of you have done it and have lots of experience with Assault PVP, or went Assault from the get go, so I was hoping for some tips and tricks, and a general run down of how to play Assault for PvP and how its different. I know it is completely free to just re spec and try it, so maybe I should just do that, but I kind of wanted to go in with a plan. Thanks in advance.

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General consensus is that Gunnery Commandos hit like trucks, but are highly immobile. Whereas Assault Commandos are highly mobile, but lacking high damage and burst.


Personally, I prefer Gunnery for PvP right now. It's waaaaaay too fun demolishing people with high burst.

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General consensus is that Gunnery Commandos hit like trucks, but are highly immobile. Whereas Assault Commandos are highly mobile, but lacking high damage and burst.


Personally, I prefer Gunnery for PvP right now. It's waaaaaay too fun demolishing people with high burst.


Id go along with that - seems to be a matter of personal preference.


Im AS at the moment as Im finding the mobility aspect is keeping me alive longer in Warzones.

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Ehhhh... these replies make me roll over.


Let me start off by saying there isnt a gunnery speccd trooper on the planet who can beat an assault spec who knows what theyre doing. In fact on several occasions i can beat a gunner with him only taking 15% of my hp maybe. Such is the nature of los, and if ur in a wz and ur fighting GOOD players you can bet ur sweet behind thats what theyll be doing. And this talk about gunnery being more bursty... Lies all lies. Plastique is probably one of my hardest hitting abilities critting anywhere from 3k-3.6k, the fact that its on a timer makes it so that u can line it up with charged bolt > HIB > plastique detonates thats a **** load of damage in roughly 2 seconds time from when charged bolt lands to when plastique detonates. Sorry but demo round just cant give you the same burst, you need to expend a gcd and by that time they might have already healed/ bubbled themselves or losd. the 1.5 gcd may not seem like much but when your trying to kill someone who has a healer on them or is a healer every .5 second counts.


To answer the op question, you're strat is pretty much the same keep incindiary on the target ur dpsing, focus that target and spam charged bolt using HIB and plastique on cd.


But yeah.. every time i see a gunner in a wz i think of those oh so many bounty hunters who think theyre cool shooting rockets off their back. You're not cool you're an easy target.

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Alright maybe i can help a little... i have played a decent amount of warzones as gunnery on the crucible pits against dara mactire premades and i personally find that gunnery is very strong. i am by no means a good player at all but i still top damage charts and die very few times. maybe this is only because im lvl 20 but i would imagine my experiance would just get better with lvl. I played a melee class in WoW (sorry for comparing) so my positioning awarness isnt great but now that i have got the hang i have easily been able to do well in pvp experiances as gunnery.
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I did Assault pvp. It was good, but not fun. Gunnery is just too satisfying. If you know how to pvp well you shouldn't be confined to just using Grav Round. Assault is slow, dot-based, gradual dps. If that doesn't suit your preferences, don't do it. It certainly is not the tree for me at this time, but I may go back to it if Demolition Round proves underwhelming.
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