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<The Dread Imperium> is an RP guild looking for members! (Imp)


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Who are we?

The Dread Imperium is a Heavy RP guild on the Imperial side that is currently in the process of rebuilding, looking for members to expand and grow.


What are we?

In RP, the Dread Imperium is an independent, aspiring empire, not associated with either the Republic or Empire in RP. The Imperium seeks to undermine and sabotage the Republic and Empire from the shadows until they are capable of fighting them head on, desiring to liberate the galaxy from the Republic and Empire with the intention of ushering in an era of peace and freedom.


How does RP work within the guild?

RP is done either casually, with impromptu get togethers whenever people feel like doing some RP, or through RP missions every 2-3 days utilizing an RP character sheet system to put stats into your character, similar to things like D&D, taking advantage of the in-game roll system. The RP character sheet system is handled via a third party service called Roll20, with much of the information available on our Discord.


Does the guild do any other content like PVE or PVP?

We group for 70 PVP pretty regularly, as for PVE we do have plans for the future, but as of right now, we don't do much on the PVE side of things.


Have questions? Interested in joining?

If you're looking to join or have questions, you can either respond to this post, contact Avrenush, Ashades, or Hêkzder in game, or you can contact me via Discord at Hekzder#7857.

Edited by liltwizz
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  • 3 weeks later...

The Dread Imperium is still actively seeking members and/or connections to other guilds to RP with! Getting in contact with us can be done using any of the methods in the original post, either in game via whisper or mail, or out of game via Discord or even by replying to this post.


In terms of updates, we've begun to do some casual PVE, doing Commander runs to get expansion materials for our Flagship and occasionally grouping for some Flashpoints and have started forming an Ops group with plans to start running Operations in the next couple weeks. And on the RP side of things, the Imperium has begun expanding, both in numbers and power, ready to begin taking on both the Republic and Empire from the shadows.


Hope to continue to grow and get new members, as well as start establishing contact with other RP guilds over here on Satele Shan!

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