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Add solo(story mode) to ALL operations.


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Here is why?

People are scared of grouping up even for heroics and FPs.


I remember waiting for days for oricon pos for the star fortresses, nobody wanted to group up because it could be done solo IF........


People complain about the PUG groups, yet they want to group up go figure.......


I would LOVE to do many operations, but I won't ever even queue up for them due to the behviour of other players.

I don't care if I win or lose if i try to learn, it is 100% a gain to me. and less of a loss to others when my skill grows.


The OPERATION issue in this game is ONLY that we see issues with groups, not really the content.....

Making it harder or easier don't solve the AIDS of being in a group that do not have the mental capacity to understand that in a MMO there re those wo do things for the first time, or so rarely thay can't remember it all.


Not all guilds are large enough to have 8-16 on at a time doing the same operation, leaving puging ot GF with AIDS s the result.


Before asking for any nerfing of Operations, how about including the masses in them and you all will see a living raid community with players wanting it and the skills of the new blood increasing.....THAT is a solution, keeping to the less than 40 Raiders left in the game after having chased away everyone else and then catr to them is not the way to go


The only way around this is story mode on any and all operations, doable with companion and combat droid only, or behave like people towards the new blood-


And add a working abort button

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Well he ain't wrong about grouping. I rarely group with people I don't know simply because I don't trust them to have the patience to explain boss fights. I main a tank you see so knowing what to do is important. Having returned to the game (again) just over a month ago I was approached by an old acquaintance to tank master Umbara. I was in 230s at the time and had never done that FP but the guy insisted I could so it since he'd played with me before and knew I was a decent enough tank. To compound things we had a disconnect and had to run most of the instance in a 3 man + companion group... And guess what?! We managed to do it anyway. The guy was patient enough to explain what I had to do for each boss fight and we cleared it. This is with no previous experience and under geared according to most people. In fact I'd wager most would not even have given me the chance to tank it when they saw I was in 230s and had never done it before... And therein lies the problem with running PUGs imho...
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Well he ain't wrong about grouping. I rarely group with people I don't know simply because I don't trust them to have the patience to explain boss fights. I main a tank you see so knowing what to do is important. Having returned to the game (again) just over a month ago I was approached by an old acquaintance to tank master Umbara. I was in 230s at the time and had never done that FP but the guy insisted I could so it since he'd played with me before and knew I was a decent enough tank. To compound things we had a disconnect and had to run most of the instance in a 3 man + companion group... And guess what?! We managed to do it anyway. The guy was patient enough to explain what I had to do for each boss fight and we cleared it. This is with no previous experience and under geared according to most people. In fact I'd wager most would not even have given me the chance to tank it when they saw I was in 230s and had never done it before... And therein lies the problem with running PUGs imho...



Communication and explaining, not just quickie at the start but all the way through. the reward for ALL is another plyer that knows this and will play through it......


because people in general never do this....explain and consider not all being as experienced as them is why I do not group up EVER in the game..........

and to be fair when FPs and former Operatiosn can be solo then why not all-------


Raids should be for all not the 1% elite

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Yes, +1.


Always up for more options, and this is a good one. It really makes me wonder why anyone would argue AGAINST letting MORE people enjoy content. It's not like anything is being taken away from the group experience, it would literally just be an option to play it solo. Group crowd is happy, as is the solo player.

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Simple answer is NO. enough of the game has been dumbed down to below the lowest common denominator as it is. Now, I will say find a decent group to run them with. GF groups tend to be disasters unless it's a guild group just looking to fill out the group. Get discord (even though I hate it because my PC doesn't like it and SWTOR together) and mumble. Maybe team speak, too. That should let you communicate with most groups. That will make the op easier, make explaining it to you easier and increase your enjoyment. Who knows, you might even make a few friends.
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Please, name one.


Temple of Sacrifice, technically.


You can complete the story of Shadow of Revan either through a solo quest or an Operation, though the former can't be replayed with the same character.


I wouldn't mind something similar being added for Oricon or similar Ops and don't think it would effect Operations at all, unless they were given the same rewards. *If* solo mode Flashpoints were created as an alternative to the Operations, similar to how Shadow of Revan handled the final confrontation with Revan, they should have none of the gear, decoration, or crafting material awards that are found in Operations.


Although that ship has sailed I also think MMOs should have a nerfed solo version of all Raids as training wheels for the real thing. Players should learn how to play by playing the game, not reading a player created guide.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Temple of Sacrifice, technically.


You can complete the story of Shadow of Revan either through a solo quest or an Operation, though the former can't be replayed with the same character.


Um, no. You can choose do either do the Op or dailies, then you go and kill Revan with NPCs. You can't go solo with a comp to beat bosses in the Operation. Being able to do dailies hardly is a "solo Operation". The final battle with Revan is not an Operation either, and you still have to do it, even if you did the Operation.


If you can go and solo defeat Underlurker, please post a video on You Tube.

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Temple of Sacrifice, technically.


You can complete the story of Shadow of Revan either through a solo quest or an Operation, though the former can't be replayed with the same character.


This is incorrect. The operations comes before the final fight that is solo. The operation does not complete the story and is totally different than the final fight which does complete the story. The operation is one of two ways to get to the final fight (either do the operation or run the missions.)

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Déjà-vu moment... we already had such an utter nonsense, ignorant and selfish thread. Get your own social skill above 0 instead of complaining about others. Yes, there are idiots and and ******es, as well as nice people... it's just a mirror of RL, live with it and grow the f... up. Edited by Khaleg
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Why not under the condition the rewards in the solo operations are not the same as the group operations. You get very limited rewards in solo operations.

I am generally for this. Heck, I'd be fine with no real reward at all. I just want to check off the story aspects. The community is too toxic to be able to enjoy large team content at this point.

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It is going to be in the update right after with one that introduces solo PvP.




Seriously though, if they waste development time making some of the only group content in the game no longer need a group, then quit calling this an MMO and they will obviously have to quit charging a sub because it then becomes an RPG.

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It is going to be in the update right after with one that introduces solo PvP.


I tried that once. There was a thread in the suggestion forums asking for solo pvp.


I had just finished a match and didn't get kicked out at the end, and everyone left. So there I was thinking "Hell yeah! I can solo pvp now. I ran around for a few minutes but couldn't find anything to fight. I yelled out in chat "HELLOOOOO!" But go no response. So I said to myself "Self. This is kinda boring."


And myself answered "And pretty damned stupid, too! Get the hell out of here and find something productive to do!"


Solo operations... I can see the appeal for those that can't handle, or don't like, grouping with others for whatever reason, but the whole idea of operations is to be a group activity.


Do you play baseball solo? Do you play football solo? Do you play tennis solo? Do you play chess or checkers solo? If you can't be bothered to play with other people in a MMO, then you probably should've stuck to single player console games.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Déjà-vu moment... we already had such an utter nonsense, ignorant and selfish thread. Get your own social skill above 0 instead of complaining about others. Yes, there are idiots and and ******es, as well as nice people... it's just a mirror of RL, live with it and grow the f... up.


Easier said than done for people like myself with social anxiety. Posts like yours do nothing to help this anxiety either.

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Why not under the condition the rewards in the solo operations are not the same as the group operations. You get very limited rewards in solo operations.


Of course, just like with solo Flashpoints. The rewards should/will be different.


Wow so much hate and vitriol in this thread.


Why are people against giving others the option to enjoy this content for a much lesser reward? Wow, just wow. Jerks like these are the reason I rarely group (or post).


Even being part of a guild, I was shamed for running a Sith Inquisitor instead of a better DPS class.

This is a game, I should be able to enjoy it the way I want to.

Quit that guild BTW :rak_04:

Edited by TheLexinator
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Why not under the condition the rewards in the solo operations are not the same as the group operations. You get very limited rewards in solo operations.


THISsould go without saying, you can't have the same level of drops, this like it has been for ALL other content that before was group only and now is solo.


Hell the FPs don't drop what they used to, and that is fair as they are now doable solo, so people can actually have a chance to them as grouping in this MMO is a very scary thing and the nly pops are for some obscure ops that has been done 99999999999999 times before from the group and offer them NOTHING other than a bragging level drop.


so there is no real reason NOT to allow other players a chance to actually be allowed to peek at an operation.

PUGGIng forget it as they will trash you for not knowing the ops etc etc and all that bullcrap that should rightfully be anwsered with a permanent ban....but it is what it is




I never through being allowed to abort NON MAIN STORY content should be allowed obviously someone are not mentally developed to understand that if is is NOT DIRECTLY linked with let's say you MUST have killed Bronte in order to be allowed to start chapter 2 or 5 or xx or what not, then it is connected, but this not the case so OPERATIONS are NOT the story.......sorry to destroy that false illusion but it is not connected in any way

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Déjà-vu moment... we already had such an utter nonsense, ignorant and selfish thread. Get your own social skill above 0 instead of complaining about others. Yes, there are idiots and and ******es, as well as nice people... it's just a mirror of RL, live with it and grow the f... up.


You are why people want this.

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You are why people want this.


Sadly, I agree.


Just got out of a group where a toxic member told me my DPS was 12 below what was expected, according to his "tools".



The toxicity of other players pretty much ensures that I play solo, as does my limited time frame. I just do not find grouping fun.

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Yorioko;9522120]THISsould go without saying, you can't have the same level of drops, this like it has been for ALL other content that before was group only and now is solo.


You haven't been on the forums much, have you? This is not the first time this has been suggested and when it is stated rewards/cxp/ should be reduced based on the fact it is being solo the ones that want a solo operation, etc start throwing a fit about the reducing of said items.


Hell the FPs don't drop what they used to, and that is fair as they are now doable solo, so people can actually have a chance to them as grouping in this MMO is a very scary thing and the nly pops are for some obscure ops that has been done 99999999999999 times before from the group and offer them NOTHING other than a bragging level drop.


Most flashpoints drop decorations through, and the Traitor among the Chiss drop one per boss.



Only problem is there are some operations that have a puzzle to solve and that requires more than one person and companions cannot solve puzzles.

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