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Game breaking-Glitch: Cannot enter VoTMG


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So. In addition to the fear of not even being able to group with friends because of personal story decisions (I.e being kicked from the group for choosing republic on an empire toon), there is now a new glitch that is preventing my raid group from basically doing anything on iokath.


Once our characters descend to Iokath, whether by guild ship or by going there on our own personal vessels, we noticed that none of us had guild tags displaying. And yes we checked our settings on that fact. While weird, it was nothing too bad. We all quick traveled or were summoned to the entrance of the operation, only to hopelessly continuously run into the entrance for the instance without anything happening. We couldn’t enter. We tried all 4 modes.


Then, we all decided to hop to strongholds and back, or our guild ship and back, we hit the button to travel, and it changed registering that we had hit it, but we didn’t go anywhere. Some of us were able to escape using priority transports, fleet passes, or going to our ships, but some of us were literally trapped on Iokath. I have a character that is literally trapped on Iokath. The only thing I haven’t tried is starting KoTFE on that toon.


We have attempted to enter the raid on both Tuesday and Thursday to no avail.


And yes, we tried turning it off and on again.

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I just ran into the same issue is this going to be fixed on tuesday ? new boss is coming out that day, kinda pointless if we cant even walk into it.

also ops leader couldnt see ops frame and when he typed in chat it said he wasnt in an ops grp :(


p.s. apparently this is only broke on star forge, i just saw a stream of someone doing it with no issues

Edited by LadyHF
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I also noticed this as well. The temp fix is to be in a PVP "focus" on your self when you port to Iokath as for when you are on Iokath you can't swap to PVP due to unknown issues but its a temp fix and I do hope its addressed with this patch coming tomorrow .... Alert the Devs
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