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New Flashpoint - Nahut 4M SM

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So, I know some people are complaining that Nahut encounter is too difficult in SM, so I got a few friends together and decided to contest these complaints before BW actually believe them (wouldn't be the first time) and decide to nerf the thing.


Tyth and A&E I believe is common knowledge that we can clear them with 3 people only. And even though Nahut is indeed a little more complicated than the first 2, it's still a pretty easy fight once you understand the mechanics.


We managed to clear it with 4 people only. (1 tank, 2 dps, 1 heals).


Here's the video:


We also have in our channel A&E 3m SM, if you are curious. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37FFYW_mHCw&t=36s)


So I hope this will clear things up to those people that rather come here and demand a Nerf than actually learn the fight and improve themselves.

I also hope that BW won't listen to them and nerf the fight, that would be ridiculous.


Anyway, thanks for watching.:rak_03:

Peace out!

Edited by azamba
Added A&E 3m link
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These discussions are, sry for saying it so directly, downright stupid. There will always be different levels of skill, gear and general capability in the game. 4 people clearing sth doesn't say more than 8 people having trouble with sth. It's just proof of how divergent players in MMOs are and therefore how difficult balancing them is. Generally if you get complaints from both sides of the table, chances are, you're doing something right.


What posters in the forums tend to forget/overlook is the fact that posting there proves an amount of dedication to the game that is not representative of the majority playing and thus financing it.

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These discussions are, sry for saying it so directly, downright stupid. There will always be different levels of skill, gear and general capability in the game. 4 people clearing sth doesn't say more than 8 people having trouble with sth. It's just proof of how divergent players in MMOs are and therefore how difficult balancing them is. Generally if you get complaints from both sides of the table, chances are, you're doing something right.


What posters in the forums tend to forget/overlook is the fact that posting there proves an amount of dedication to the game that is not representative of the majority playing and thus financing it.


Yes it is not representing the majority in the game, yet its very very important to point things out! You know how important the "point of view" is in Star Wars.


What you say is true that the guys who 4manned this have skill and gear. However, you have to consider that they showed how the fight is balanced. This means that instead of 4 dps needed, who do lets say 20k dps in total you can go with 2 dps that do 10k dps each (20k in total), so this means Devs left there room for error.. Outgoing damage should also be OK since 1 healer was able to keep the group alive, but yes, here it can be associated to skill and gear, but still, 1 healer for 4 players is fine and balanced.


So in general what such videos say is that they confirm that the fight is indeed balanced for Storymode! If such a thing wouldnt be possible, then we could take the complains seriously. It is after all and "Operation" which should already come with a certain level of difficulty. How much HP bosses have, their attack dmg etc that can be discussed but these videos prove that those things are fine.

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Yes it is not representing the majority in the game, yet its very very important to point things out! You know how important the "point of view" is in Star Wars.


What you say is true that the guys who 4manned this have skill and gear. However, you have to consider that they showed how the fight is balanced. This means that instead of 4 dps needed, who do lets say 20k dps in total you can go with 2 dps that do 10k dps each (20k in total), so this means Devs left there room for error.. Outgoing damage should also be OK since 1 healer was able to keep the group alive, but yes, here it can be associated to skill and gear, but still, 1 healer for 4 players is fine and balanced.


So in general what such videos say is that they confirm that the fight is indeed balanced for Storymode! If such a thing wouldnt be possible, then we could take the complains seriously. It is after all and "Operation" which should already come with a certain level of difficulty. How much HP bosses have, their attack dmg etc that can be discussed but these videos prove that those things are fine.


Exactly our point!

Of course that there are different player skill levels within the game and some groups will have more difficulty to accomplish things than others, but the point here wasn't to say "hey we can do this and you can't" but rather "hey if we can do this with 4 people, surely a vast majority in the game can make it with 8 without issue".

Overall, the fight is balanced well enough so that any group, with a little coordination and patience, can easily complete it. THAT, was our point and I think it is a important one either.

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Thank you for the video and well done on the kill!


Secondly though, I sadly don't think this and the thread(s?) asking for the nerf on this boss is necessarily reflecting the player base's varying levels of skill (though... it also kinda does but I have a point! hear me out!) but more how some people just cannot collaborate for some reason or another. I have been in groups of people I KNOW to be top of their game individually but together something just does not click. Player skill is not a big an issue as lack of coordination for this fight. I mean... op did mention this was a group of friends? So I guess they all knew their strong points and weak points and when you raid with friends there is this sense where "we goofed - ah well, we'll get it done, don't worry lads!" where with pugs it's more "that person did not pull it their all it is time to replace them nobody has time to pull out a strategy session and see where we got it wrong we must blame someone they are sabotaging the raid!".


Sure, it's not always the case - I have pugged some glorious pugs myself but it's sadly not a rule when going in... Trusting the person next to you is vital in group content - if you cannot trust the person next to you to do the group has a problem. You can be the best healer in the world but if the dps or tank don't trusth you to keep you alive or ask too much of you... something will crash and burn. (Mostly the dent in your credits once you repair all that gear :jawa_redface:).


It's nobody fault when this happens, really - sometimes a group just doesn't work. Nothing to do then except try again. :jawa_wink:

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And by that logic ten of us ( what the hell, 100 of us) should be able to win a fight against Darth Vadar. Right? Cause there is 1 of him and 100 of us, non-force users, ordinary civilians. I wonder how that would turn out...... hmmmm
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