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Shady characters disapear after killing them


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This seems to be limited to the Empire side, I have not had it happen on the republic side. When I use the interrogation probe on the shady character and have to fight them, after they die their bodies disappear and I cannot loot the item I need, If another of the mob that spawns drops some vendor trash I can get the item through my area loot function. However, if nothing else drops I cannot loot the underworld information item.
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This sort of thing crops up from time to time, where enemies somehow get embedded in the floor. There's not a lot that can be done about it unfortunately.


It's more common that they go underground before they die(1), but I've seen the dies-above-ground-with-corpse-below-the-surface thing before, back when I did one of the Star Fortress missions - I put the Ultimate Interrupt(2) on the Exarch, and the stupid [REDACTED]'s body ended up under the platform where I couldn't loot him. He had a *purple* loot beam, too.


(1) In group content, it usually affects only one group member, and you end up watching your team-mates shooting at the ground, or hitting it with their sabres or whatever. It also NEVER affects companions. The enemy is above ground, and will be affected if you apply area effects to the enemy's proper location.


(2) I killed him. Watch closely: if an enemy dies while it has a cast or channel running, there will be a brief flash of "INTERRUPTED" before the bar disappears. Death is the Ultimate Interrupt.

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Nah it's not the floor/underground issue this time, it's exactly as the TS described it: shady characters just disappear in the air on the Empire side if you're using the Interrogation Probe and have to fight (and kill) them after. I'm experiencing it as well 100% of times. The fight after the Friendly Drink works just fine. Edited by Txornisx
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