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Hybrid Companions


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I definitely agree that companions need an overhaul.


...it used to be that Treek was broken, because she tanked and healed at the same time, and could perform these tasks quite well. Now, she's broken because she can't perform ANY role well.


I think companions are something where the devs could give us companions which perform their function, have some variation... and at the same time, are still balanced with each other.

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I'm in two minds about this. Personally I prefer the current setup. It means I can use my favorite companions without worrying if they fit my current build. That and I prefer not having to gear my companion. I do not remember the days of where I was struggling to gear my character and my companion properly fondly Although if I did have to nitpick about something, it would be the lack of uniqueness among companion move sets. Lana should be more lightning based for dps. And HK-51 should have never had his move set changed when it comes to dps.
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I feel a compromise is in order. Restore companion gear, but only have it take effect when playing in Veteran mode or higher, leaving Story mode companions with the aesthetic of the gearing without upping the difficulty for casual or story-driven players.


This would be a great compromise if they had the manpower to add this and create more content, but at this point I would rather they focus on bringing us more content.

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