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1-Time Password Issue


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I get email from difference sources through out the day (I use gmail), and never have issues with receiving mail once sent in a pretty speedy manner, but for whatever reason, every time I log into my account to post on forums, and get the 1 time password prompt, it takes forever to receive the code. Forever being 30 minutes plus at times. Now, I would understand if SWTOR were a busy game with millions of subs who might be logging in and need a code sent, but the sub base and player base for swtor is not that high, so why does it take so long to receive my one-time code to enter in order to login to the forums?


I don't want to disable this feature, and shouldn't have to in order to receive a code within 5 minutes time like literally every other site that uses this feature seems to do. Is there something I might be doing wrong, or is this just a Bioware/EA thing?!?!

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