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Comcast has disabled Bit-Torrenting (i.e. you can't patch the game)


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EA uses bitraider to download patches by default. As my internet provider is Comcast, they have clearly switched back on their software that disables bit-torrenting. Therefore you need to go back to 2012 and remember how to disable torrents so you can actually patch the game folks. For those that don't remember the pre-Net Neutrality days, welcome the heck back to when your service provider determines what content or even what programs you use to access content.


Here's a youtube link to download the patch (not my youtbue, just a nice simple answer)

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You can still patch the game, if you edit the launcher settings to change the download method.


This will redownload the full game but also fixes many related issues, like extremely low download speed etc.


Open your launcher.settings file with the editor and change the following:


, "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"SSN\" }"

, "bitraider_download_complete": { }

, "log_levels": "INFO,SSNFO,ERROR"

, "bitraider_disable": true


Rename/delete the Bitraider folder.

Edited by miniboss
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Your the only person reporting that from Comcast at present, sure it wasn't just an issue for you ?

The mighty Goggle suggests strongly that it's him. searching for comcast bittorrent shows loads of stuff from 2007/8, a sprinkling from 2010 and 2012, and one guy on Reddit from November 2017, before the rule change was announced, but he was told that it was him, as some of the commenters had no problems with torrents on Comcast.

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