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Plasma Railgun debuff


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Greetings Starfighter....

thx for answering my posts earlier, but I have one more stupid question for the day.


Let's say I got a ship in my sights using Plasma and I fire off at about 30% charge. I land the hit for the 6 second debuff and the idiot doesn't move so I quickly fire off again at 30% and hit him again. Now I know this isn't a very long time frame, but how does this debuff work? Will it refresh the dot? Will it stack 2 times? If there are 2 Gunships landing hits will they both stack?


I guess I'm just trying to understand this old debate about Plasma vs Slug, because both seem very effective to me.

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All of the Damage Over Time stacks.


Prior to 5.5 it did not.


So now every Plasma shot that hits does 100% of the DOT damage, plus the initial damage scaled to whatever the charge percentage was. So 30% charge shot does about 300 initial damage plus the full DOT damage, or something like that, I haven't look at the exact numbers recently enough to remember them off the top of my head.


The thing to keep in mind is that the CD on Plasma has been tinkered with to keep DOT stacking from getting out of control. So the ideal if you want to stack is to get multiple gunships to stack on the same target. For general raw output you want to alternate Plasma with another weapon so you don't spend time waiting on the CD.


There are cases where another low charge tap with Plasma is the best option, but it's usually a matter of not having a better option. Stacking DoTs from a single Plasma source is by design not the optimal use of Plasma at this time.

Edited by Ramalina
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For most purposes, the way you want to use gunships, is you want to have two different railguns. One is gonna be a Slug. The other, should probably be an Ion... although it makes no sense to me in a "real world" kind of way, it is faster to switch railguns and fire your second type of railgun. I think both Ion & Plasma provide debuffs to your target to make it useful to start off with one of these, and then hopefully a well charged slug will finish the job.
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