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Fix the Companion Lag


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Hello Bioware,

I think that the most important item that needs to be fix right now is the Companion lag which makes it so that your companion seems to want to lag WAY behind your character, I left the game for a year because of that. It is a pain that my companion seems to want to lag sooo far behind me even when I am just running in a straight line. Can you PLEASE fix this companion lag issue right away.:mad::confused::(

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I'm also seeing a lot more instances of a companion getting lost, stuck, or something... even when the game "thinks" the companion is basically standing next to you, but when you target or interact with your companion you get a "too far away" or "not in line of sight" error.


I'd like a whole new companion code, to be honest. Right now, they target you, and follow the same path you follow. If you run into a room, and do a lap around the outside, when your companion catches up to you, you can watch them run that exact same lap.


Constantly targeting you, means they are always looking at you, and their posture adjusts to reflect this. Often this means they are bent at the torso in a really awkward way. If you are doing something that shifts your position, this makes their heads bob up and down... it looks unnatural.


I think companions could be changed to some sort of proximity, rather than pathing code. By which I mean... instead of moving companions independently, but following the exact path you take, have it so that they are placed in a position near you, like a satellite. The companion doesn't move, exactly, their position remains relative to yours. The should also not target anything by default. Just stand passively. If the player does something, for example sits down, the companion could do different things, depending on their personality. Kaliyo, for example, might lean against a wall or pull out her datapad and start playing video games.

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I'm also seeing a lot more instances of a companion getting lost, stuck, or something... even when the game "thinks" the companion is basically standing next to you, but when you target or interact with your companion you get a "too far away" or "not in line of sight" error.


When the map shows them right next to you, but they're not there? This one is the worst: they're under the floor. I out of curiosity tested once to see how far they can fall. I stopped waiting when he was 23 km (sic!) and still falling. When you're active, they "catch up" by falling from somewhere up, but more often then not you need to resummon them.

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