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Rakata and the Force


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There seems to be an inconsistency within the "Prelude to the Story of Revan" story.

Namely, while you play during the Rakata Prime flashpoints, some of the Rakata "mobs" you encounter during this flashpoint are "Rakata Mystics". These use Force attacks as well as regular attacks.

Now, according to all the lore I've come across, the Rakata lost their connection to the force with a plague, and hence the collapse of their civilization and then they were not able to utilize the force-driven technology of the Star Forge, etc.

So, anyone care to explain why these specific Rakata are force-users when all the lore we have says otherwise?



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Maybe The Elders found a way to reverse their situation. Who knows, I've always wondered about that as well. And when you get to The Temple of the Ancients The Elders are not there anymore so you've got to wonder if they managed to make Rakata force-sensitive again and where did they went to?
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