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Datacron Issues


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Below is a list of things I found to be broken with many datacrons.






  • Willpower- This datacron is located in Castle Panteer. You can't access this datacron with it's intended pathing. The pathing is broken for larger body type characters.



  • Aim - This datacron is located in The Tomb. You can't access this datacron with it's intended pathing. The pathing is broken. If you try to walk across the bridge, you will fall through it.



  • Presence - This datacron is located in the Government District. You can't access this datacron with it's intended pathing. The pathing is broken. If you try to drop down onto the pipe you will see the texture is missing for the pipe. But you can see the outline of ti and trying to land on it, only sends you to your death.
  • Note: None of the datacrons grant a codex entry.



  • Aim - This datacron is located in the southern area of Ilum. This datacron doesn't grant the stat boost, nor does it register a codex entry. Yet after clicking the datacron, the small triangle above the datacron does go away. I can still click on it and it will run through the cinematic as if I never touched it.



  • Note: None of the datacrons grant a codex entry.

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The Corellia Presence datacron is doable. You're just not dropping down in the right spot (although the textures on the terrain/walls below there are still glitched to hell). I got all 7 Corellia datacrons and only two of them did not grant a codex entry (and Corellia's planet entry says there's only 5 datacrons). Edited by TheCheatz
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The Corellia Presence datacron is doable. You're just not dropping down in the right spot (although the textures on the terrain/walls below there are still glitched to hell). I got all 7 Corellia datacrons and only two of them did not grant a codex entry (and Corellia's planet entry says there's only 5 datacrons).


Well, 3 of my guild mates and myself got them all yesterday from Voss and Corellia and neither planet's datacrons granted the codex entries. I'm not sure why you got them and all 4 of us didn't but something isn't working properly.


As for the Presence cron on Corellia, I tried multiple times as well as my guild mates for about a hour and none of us got it. So any insight on this would be appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

on Taris


Iv went and got all 5 datacrons


Codex Planet - Taris Says i have all the datacrons .


but i have no Codex Entry for them



datacron codex's that im missing.


■Codex Entry: Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins.

■Codex Entry: Galactic History 24: Empress Teta.

■Codex Entry: Galactic History 25: 2 Rivals

■Codex Entry: Galactic History 26: Naga Sadow's Deceptions.

■Codex Entry: Galactic History ?27?




Iv looked on many sites and all say Codex Entry 23-27 are Taris...

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I've spent the last 2 hours dropping off the pier in Corellia's Port Pevaria. I can almost always hit the pipe with texture missing by dropping at 3511, -3206. However, when I hit the pipe, and the same is true for the pipe on the opposite side, the game puts me in that "stuck" animation and then ports me back to the rail again.


I've seen a couple people claim there is a spot where you can solo fall off the pier by the Jedi Protector and hit an invisible path and walk to the datacron like everyone else does. But I have yet to see anyone provide proof or at least coordinates to where you can fall onto this invisible path.


Every video that doesn't use the Body Type 2 or smaller method of sneaking along the wall uses a method of Force Leap or Force Pull to get the player under the pier to get to the datacron.


Very frustrating as all I have left is this datacron, and collecting 2 more Ratataki Cubes for the green matrix shard on Belsavis. I collected the one on ILum, but of course it is completely broken.


Update: I finally gave up, I could fall onto the pip below, but since I was frozen in that stuck animation I could not get myself up onto the next pipe I could actually walk on. I ended up advertising in General for a Body Type 2 or smaller, showed them how to sneak along the wall and then they made their way out so I could Guardian Leap onto them and walk over myself. Two more Ratataki Energy Cubes for the green on Belsavis and I'll be at 100% Datacrons (minus the broken Ilum one, of course)

Edited by Infinite_Zen
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