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Day 1 of launch....I mean fail


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im not crying about not getting in...lol...just laughing about how they didn't add more people because they were afraid of something (still don't know what). It just seems weird they let such a little amount of people in today...wouldn't it be better to let more in the first day just in case something bad DOES happen and they need to fix it? better now than the 20th


Its probably so they can tweak the servers as loads progress and stop a massive crash if it looks like it happening.

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Thats about 3/4 of the population that did not manage to get into the game today, whilst the other 1/4 just did something else such as watching little children react like this on the forums or maybe just watch TV or play another game whilst waiting :p

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Day one of launch? No, the launch is on the 20th. The only fail here is your inability to understand the reasons behind the early access.


So what were the reasons because mostly I have only heard the PR version of "these are no the droids you looking for"

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Greetings, everyone. We already have a discussion thread dedicated to talking about invite waves. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the discussion thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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