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Three factions instead of two with a possiblility of an additional class added


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I understand that Empire and Republic are two logical factions, but I think Underworld should be a third with the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler being part of THAT faction. There could be a possibility of adding a "grey/neutral" Force-sensitive group for this.


Bounty Hunters and Smugglers generally work with both Imperial and Republic governments and individuals

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I understand that Empire and Republic are two logical factions, but I think Underworld should be a third with the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler being part of THAT faction. There could be a possibility of adding a "grey/neutral" Force-sensitive group for this.


Bounty Hunters and Smugglers generally work with both Imperial and Republic governments and individuals



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Here's my list:



Jedi Knight

Jedi Consular

Republic Trooper

Add- Sis Agent



Sith Warrior

Sith Inquisitor

Imperial Agent

Add- Imperial Trooper



Bounty Hunter


Add- Dusk force user (what others would call a grey jedi, but regular Jedi aren't white, and Sith aren't Black Jedi. Please come up with a better name than dusk though, but not Twilight.)


Independant Ideas:

The Whills - Guardians and compilers of galactic history, two of which are seen in Rogue One. There's the gun-toting mercenary, and the non force using blind martial artist. We don't really need another gun toter, they're more than covered in the first three factions, but the non force using martial artist could be developed, and used by any faction. At the end of it's starting planet, a choice could be made, probably during a battle in which the character could choose whose ship to board during an evacuation.

One of my earlier console games (nintendo? Playstation 1? I don't remember, there's been so many) featured a game very much like Mortal Combat, in which the Star Wars version of Martial Arts was called Terras Kasi. They held a tournament around which the entire game was based. (there was a gamorean entry named "hoar" which made me chuckle every time his name was mentioned out loud.)

The non force using martial artist could be called "Terras Kasi Monk", unless someone comes up with a better name. It could bring new life into weapons normally thrown away in favor of lightsabers, the vibro/electro sabres, staves and axes.

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They've got a lot of factions in the game they could have used as third factions.


Hutt Cartel


Bounty Hunter


Brawler ? (Melee class)

Assassin ? (Inquisitor equivalent)


Zakuul Empire


Knight of Zakuul


Herald of Zilrog

Zakuul Soldier


Order of Revan ? Dread Masters ? Mandalorian ? Chiss Ascendancy ?

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I like the idea but how would you handle the friend or foe systems on planets? And how would you determine what missions you can accept?


For example, if you are a grey / neutral character, are the Republic and Empire NPC's red (enemy), yellow (attack you only if you attack them), or green (ally)? When you approach an Imperial or Republic NPC, do they try to kill you or do they offer you a mission?


I supposed you could have some sort of reputation system where you gain positive or negative reputation with the Republic, the Empire, the Hutt Cartels, and others. And since the Empire and Republic typically have missions against each other, taking one winds up giving you reputation with one and then losing reputation with another, which would wind up causing you to pick a side anyway (unless you only do missions against the Hutt Cartel or common enemies).


It would make the game super interesting, since your actions actually determine whether the Empire, Republic and Hutt Cartels actually see you as an ally or enemy or not, and would change what missions are available.


But, I would think that the existing classes are too entrenched in their own character story to change them (except perhaps allow them to defect to the other side once they reach level 70).


I would think that you would need to create totally new classes with a new reputation system if you want neutral characters. I'd love to see that, but it would require new classes. Changing existing classes would require too many changes to the existing character stories to be viable.

Edited by WisTexOfficial
Fix Typos
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To add to what I was just mentioning, one thing that could be done is create a reputation system that works to determine whether you are allies or enemies of the various factions (Empire, Republic, Eternal Empire, Hutt Cartel, etc.).


Technically a level 70 character that has completed KotFE is neutral. So you could use this reputation system for level 70 characters, and for some new classes that basically start off as neutral.


For a level 70 character that is neutral, taking missions for each faction would lead you to earning reputation for that faction. If you attack a faction, you lose reputation. If you reach a certain positive reputation, they become allies, if a certain negative reputation, then enemy, and if neutral, then they both will offer missions and NPC's will show yellow (attack only if attacked).


For the level 1 neutral class, you give then an option from the start, which will give you options for Republic, Empire or Hutt Cartel missions. Your actions then determine what missions are available in the future.

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