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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Returned after a while away... one server, 44 characters?


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So... I just got back and found out I have to delete, like, 90% of my characters in order to be able to make new characters, because the servers merged. This seems a bit... uh... problematic, as I have to activate characters and see what they have before deleting them... and this is a lot of work. Can someone direct me to wherever EA/bioware talked about this change?
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So... I just got back and found out I have to delete, like, 90% of my characters in order to be able to make new characters, because the servers merged. This seems a bit... uh... problematic, as I have to activate characters and see what they have before deleting them... and this is a lot of work. Can someone direct me to wherever EA/bioware talked about this change?


Here you go http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002

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I was concerned at first when I logged into find 44 characters on one server. I was more concerned when, after deleting a level 1 name-holder alt, my 44/44 count fell to 43/43. I spent most of yesterday sorting out inventories and culling the roster. I discovered that my current maximum is actually 41, so I didn't have to delete too many. Still, deleting characters is like eating peanuts. Once I started, I couldn't stop. After making sure to transfer credits and any swag in their vaults, I ended up deleting 19 characters. My current roster count is 23/41.


As an unrepentant altoholic, I had to overcome my urges and ask myself: "Do I really need three sets of capped crafters in all trades? Will I really ever play any of the myriad mid-level alts that transferred from the provinces?" I kept one capped crafter for each profession and all the capped gatherers. I kept all the guys over level 60. Most of the rest have joined the Force.


I feel better with (a) fewer names on my character-select screen and (b) having plenty of space to start new alts if I ever so desire.

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