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Ridiculous Latency - Satele Shan


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Just posted this over on the Satele Shan forum, pasting here on the chance that someone will actually be checking these:


Formerly Harbinger now Satele Shan. The latency is ridiculous. I just logged out after playing a bit today because I kept spiking 3500 + latency. I was noticing latency spikes since the move, but this is just unbearable. Not to be a ********, but I'm a subscriber, spend too much money on Cartel coins and I'm one of the few Americans who actually likes their ISP because they're consistently awesome. Let's get some service over here please.


You've decided to run this out of the east coast, I would have suggested something in the middle of the country, but it's your business, your decision. To be crystal clear, I'm in California on great internet and your game is unplayable. You need to pull out all the stops, ensure that you've chosen the best last mile and that everything is properly configured.


Don't make me hate the performance of this game so much that I quit, I'd be very disappointed.

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Grab http://www.pingplotter.com (use the trial or free version) and set it to run to the east coast servers while playing and the ingame issue is occuring ingame (best if it is occuring) use as the destination


The ping plotter graph can then be saved as a jpg and can be inserted into a post in the official technical issues forum (Link) for swtor

Edited by OwenBrooks
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