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Ideas for returning this game's population.. [Repost]


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Good Afternoon!


If my 10,000 hours of gameplay and thousands of dollars have said anything about this game, it is that I love it. I see that this game is dying. My goal of this post is to reach some developers of SWTOR. I have a number of suggestions and requests that would eliminate major reasons that players are leaving and not coming back. Do not fear, most of these are easy fixes. Please, take a minute to listen to me. Please, take a minute to realistically consider these ideas.


Eat credits out of rotation. There are some guilds offering to run people through raids like ToS for 40,000,000,000 credits. And it's sad. Because some people have this kind of money. The days of 100,000 credits being equal to $100 are clearly over. People are spending money online and getting over a billion credits for as little as $50.

The GTN is also dominated by credit farmers. The high prices are sky-high because of the credit farmers. Why, you ask? Its obvious to sell you money to buy the overly outrageous priced items in game. No one wins with those prices and frankly its a turn off and players get frustrated and leave.

- I suggest bringing back credit costs for training skills, and make just as big of a pain in the rear as they used to be. It wouldn't be too bad if some skills at level 70 cost upwards towards 1,000,000 credits, especially considering the KotFE/KotET campaigns give over 10 million, and heroics can be grinded for excessive amounts of credits.

- Introduce new mounts, light sabers, and light saber crystals purchasable only by credits.

- Put the Cartel Market on hold for a bit, and all new content you guys release, make available at a vendor for formerly-reasonable prices (like 200,000 for a crystal, maybe upwards near 1,000,000 for a speeder)

- Make a Cartel-Market Vendor that sells a set of maybe 12 things out of the Cartel Market, for high but not unreasonable prices. Have these things rotate weekly!!! Stick to the 200,000-700,000 credit range for crystals, and keep outfits under 5 million. Maybe have one crystal (not all four stats, just one crystal of one stat), three armor sets, three mounts, a consumable, and an "special" item every week - this gives you guys ammo to do really cool things that players will like.

- Make a cap of like, 30 million credits to sell something on the Galactic Trade Network. This is going to be a major kick in the junk to credit farmers. And it'll help us bring out economy back on track.


Change up the crafting professions.

Crafting professions are seen as widely expensive, useless, and a waste of time. I suggest

- New medpacks and adrenals made only by Biochemists

- During the next level cap increase, make the first and basic tier of raiding gear only acquireable through Synthweavers and Armormechs. Make basic tier of raiding weapons only available through Armstechs

- Remove darkside/lightside on Slicing, and make all tiers take longer, but have credit boxes yield more credits

- Make gathering skills that gain companion gifts a chance at being legendary when missions are level 60 and higher


Put down the quality of life.. Seriously.

Don't get me wrong, Bioware. All of these quality of life updates you've been giving us are amazing! The new UIs, the extra credits, and holy crap, I can kill stuff really fast! I can solo things that I was never ever able to solo before! It's great! But really, it hurts us all. It hurts because

- I can solo heroic 2+ and 4 man areas. This content should only be able to be seen by a group.

- Credit farmers. They clear through things stupid easily and now our economy is ruined.

- People are clearing through the game at record speeds. A dedicated player can get legendary player status in under a week. What happens when we've done all there is to do? We leave.

- Traditional "Legacy" bound armor sets are totally forgotten - as well as the need for crafters. People level up so fast, it's not even practical to craft anymore! and a lot of people like crafting!

I suggest:

- Reduce the base experience gained by EVERYONE by at least 50% for everything. It took me nearly six months of dedicated play to get my first level 50. Now people are getting them in under 24 hours. Remember, so long as people are grinding, they are playing your game. Once they have completed everything they are interested in, they leave..

- Increase health of all non player characters in the game to around 300% what they currently are at.

- Increase the damage done of all non player characters in the game to around 200% of what they currently are at.

- Make raids far more difficult than they currently are.


But bring it up in other areas

KotFE and KotET are great expansions. They are great for story. They are probably single-handedely the best stories I have ever experienced out of any movie, game, and book. But the problem is, people can't be bothered to replay them past a certain point. Yeah, I get playing it over again once in the light side, and once in the dark side. But here's the issue: my two main SWTOR accounts have a combined 33 level 65-70 characters. It has now been around one year and I cannot push myself to play through KotFE and KotET over.. and over... and over again. I have only completed it on maybe.. 6-7? And I'm halfway through on another 10 maybe.

People also can't be bothered to play because of the companions. Companions are stronger based on influence. I spent millions upon millions of credits getting my favorite 15 or so companions to level 50 on my Sage. And trust me, they kick butt. But see, the Sage is weak in solo PvE and so I tend to find myself on my Commando/Trooper/Guardian. But the problem is, their companions are weak and I feel handicapped by their low influence. But do I really have the motivation to do it again?

Here is what I suggest:

- Make an option where players can copy their storylines for KotFE and KotET on their alts. So let's say I have a level 60 Sentinel I just completed SoR on. But I can't be bothered to player KotFE. So rather than just quitting and not coming back to the game, I can continue playing the endgame content by just importing my KotFE and KotET decisions and outcomes from my level 70 Sage.

- Make influences for companions legacy-wide. So that way if I break my back to have my favorite companion's influence 50, I don't have to break my back over, and over, and over again..

- Reduce the cost of legendary companion gifts from 250,000 to something more reasonable.. like 50,000 to 125,000.


You've heard this one before.

We've gotten an expansion every year since the game's release. RotHC, SoR, KotFE, KotET. But all of a sudden, there's no expansion. Just little bits of content here and there. And there's nothing for people to do once they're done with the content you release. It's not being released fast enough to keep players. We're in a content drought.

- Release many raids. Seriously, like 6-8. All at once. Have them all be not necessarily as long as Scum and VIllany, but certainly longer than Eternity Vault. Terror From Beyond is a good example. And it is really nice how the second to last boss is considered the last boss by many, but many groups still continue on and explore extra content. They don't have to be related to the rest of the game in story. Hell, most of us don't even care if there is a story. No one pays attention to a raid's story anyways.

- Raise the level cap with these raids and implement ideas earlier mentioned..

- Raise crafting skill cap and implement ideas earlier mentioned...

- Makes these raids HARD in story mode, and nearly impossible (key word is "nearly) in Hard Mode.

- Bring back the whole Ilumn open world PvP. Maybe give rewards for combatting with other players in open world, and maybe make a taxi on Ilumn to an area called like "The Galactic Battlegrounds" or something, where it can just be an open world PvP arena. Reward players for killing people. There have been turrets and weaponized vehicles used in flashpoints, raids, and storylines. Use some of them out there! Reward with like, 5,000 credits for killing a player and maybe 10,000 credits for every 100,000 player damage.

Skip to 0:55. It's sad that those days are dead.


I have a crush on Nadia Grell that hasn't been satisfied in six years. Well, my secret's out. I've got a thing for Nadia. But like me, many players also have crushes on their romanceable companions. It would be in your best interest to

- Create missions for every companion that correlate with their lore that increase their influence upon completion. Remember how Qyzen wanted to go to Tattoine and he found the bones of his father? Give us more stuff like that

- Give us more reasons to spend time with our companions

- Give us more dialogue just something other than the same scripted 6-10 lines.

- Less quantity, more quality. Less quantity, more quality.



Stop nerfing classes for PvP

Dear god, don't touch the Sages anymore. They've got PTSD from all of the nerfes you guys have given them. We're a PvE game. We like to raid. Most of us are NOT PvPers. In fact, most of your PvP playerbase has gotten bored and went to Guild Wars.


Promote SWTOR More

SWTOR is EA. and Battlefront 2 is EA. What's the difference? One gets GODLY promotion, the other is shoved under the rug to die. Even though, the fact of the matter is that Battlefront 2 is selling millions of copies and is already being torn down for being an empty game, and Star Wars The Old Republic is leaving players literally crying because it is such an amazing game and it is dying. If SWTOR was advertised with the new movies, on tv, in comics, in books, and internet ads, it would probably start growing again. Give SWTOR maybe 20% of the advertising budget that Battlefront 2 has. EA, you'll get your money back, I promise. You want multiplayer, high sales, and microtransactions. This game is your baby. Why are you letting it die?


Better Free-To-Play system.

Yes, I am aware that the point of Free to Play is to persuade players into subscribing or spending real money on unlocks. Well, unfortunately, the Free to Play system that we have currently is driving away players, especially those that are potential subscribers. It needs to be reworked, in a way that doesn't make free to play a chore and a tedious, monotonous, and frustrating experience.


Galactic Command Overhaul next expansion

As explained in the comments below, with the Dark Vs Light event, many players leveled a plethora of classes. We expected raids, endgame content, something amazing! And we got a tedious grind. Overall, I believe that the Galactic Command is a good system. But it's too hard to level, especially for people like me with 33 level 65+ characters. Here are some ideas:

- Legacy wide galactic command level

- Raid bosses drop ONE piece of gear for the whole raid, to encourage raids to be done rather than substituted for solo heroics

- Faster Galactic Command leveling for raids

- Better galactic command drops!!!! Seriously!!!!

- Galactic Command to drop all types of gear - heavy, medium, and light - with all types of stats: power, alacrity, absorption, but also with its own storage. There is a method to my madness. Okay, you're playing a Commando healer. There's no reason for all of this light armor gear with Defense Rating. Oh, wait a minute. You've got a level 69 Shadow, too. When your Shadow hits level 70, this gear could be withdrawn from your storage and put onto your Shadow. So no, you didn't waste your time. Your time grinding on your commando was all too worth it. :)


Remember HK-51 and the Magenta Crystal? Matrix Shards?

Remember how once upon a time, the developers put in secrets? Easter eggs? Cool things that we had to work hard to earn? Like the relics? Cool lightsaber colors? Super cool companions???

Here are some nostalgic videos for those of us who remember.

Magenta Crystal:

Matrix Shard Guide:

HK-51 Grind:

Just please, put the Cartel Market on the shelf for a couple of patches and give us something like these.

Edited by ChanceGalvin
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