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Why the Eternal Alliance will fail (and problems with storytelling after that)


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Ok, its quite obvious it fails but I just figured I'd try to theorize about how this comes about. First factor: political instability, with both Jedi, Sith, and what remains of the Zakuul knights there remains a gap about who gets more authority, I mean sure if you are playing as SW or SI the Sith might have the upper hand and vice versa, however if you choose to be an emperor those good ol' Jedi and and their "superior" morals are going to have a problem with that. Zakuul just lost all of its leaders and just got a new one completely interrupting their way of life, and like many cases in real life those people are going to fight back.


Factor two: The Republic and the Empire. More so the Empire than the Republic, the Empire is power hungry and their just not going to let another civilization conquer their "rightful territory".


And now the trouble with storytelling, what are they going to do with the main characters? Send them back to their original factions after they (possibly) just waged war against them. I think not. They may just keep up with the Alliance until they let the game go. Idk just my thoughts on whats going to happen.

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And now the trouble with storytelling, what are they going to do with the main characters? Send them back to their original factions after they (possibly) just waged war against them. I think not. They may just keep up with the Alliance until they let the game go. Idk just my thoughts on whats going to happen.


Have you ever heard about brain-wash? It worked pretty well with Revan.

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I suspect they'll send them to whichever faction you picked to support on Iokath




I've thought about this too -- but .....

ok we have 8 classes .... and let's face it, if we go back to Empire vs. Republic.. our 8 classes will be put back into two main story lines ....

ok --- problem --- two story lines ... and have some Empire folks go Republic on Iokath ( like my agent) --- and have some Republic folks go Empire on Iokath (like my JK) --- so now do they have to take into account that some of us switched faction -- and do they need to write THAT into the two main lines ? --- to make sense and continuity, in my opinion -- yes .... ( besides that, NOW we need to have the proper Fleet access for our new faction )


Potentially, this could get to be a story writing nightmare -- 8 classes, two story lines --- hummm, I am terrible at math, so correct me if I am wrong.. but that could mean 16 potential story variations ? ... again -- story writing h.... ---

and we will never get our 8 class stories back -- I have a feeling this scenario won't happen either ...

meaning we go back to original factions .... and loose our dear Lana or Theron ... or they have to come up with a very, very good story to explain them staying with us .....


And yes -- I think way too much .... :rolleyes:

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now let's talk game mechanics -- or at least one ...

presently, you can not talk to a member of the opposite faction in real game play ...

so what happens when you change faction permanently ?

my newly aligned agent -- who is now republic, can't talk with a republic aligned JK ---

ooops ... grouping issues galore for the poor agent ... that will have to be delt with if we go this way ....

I see problems and much down time ....

(my brain hurts now -- :p I'm done ..... )

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The reason they did that is because some people during beta were acting like royal jerks ( and I mean more than just Empire stinks, etc.) they had to actually be a jerk and couldn't act like an adult about it because at one time we could talk to the opposite side at least for a little bit until people acted like jerks.
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now let's talk game mechanics -- or at least one ...

presently, you can not talk to a member of the opposite faction in real game play ...

so what happens when you change faction permanently ?

my newly aligned agent -- who is now republic, can't talk with a republic aligned JK ---

ooops ... grouping issues galore for the poor agent ... that will have to be delt with if we go this way ....

I see problems and much down time ....

(my brain hurts now -- :p I'm done ..... )


Simple, it won't be a faction change in the mechanic sense at all, purely in the story

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If you choose the opposite faction on Iokath you get a letter from Theron saying that he tweaked your ships credentials so that you could still dock on your old faction's station. I imagine it will be something similar. Unless they make new instances for end game players where you can group cross faction. If that's even a thing it would be kind of cool.
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If you choose the opposite faction on Iokath you get a letter from Theron saying that he tweaked your ships credentials so that you could still dock on your old faction's station. I imagine it will be something similar. Unless they make new instances for end game players where you can group cross faction. If that's even a thing it would be kind of cool.



In other words --- like the Deep Space Nine episode that had old scenes from the original Trek edited in to it for the story ( great episode, if you haven't seen it already ) -- a "reason" the Klingons looked different in the original Trek and in the other Treks after --- a cop out will happen ( example -- when Worf was confronted by the difference.. he simply said . "we do not talk about it " -- <sigh> not explained, easy way, cop out -- awful for trying to role play a little ... )

But I expected as much .......

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yes it was :) --- I grew up with the original Trek (yes I am that old ) ... and I was so disappointed --

but if I remember, they KIND OF explained it in the Trek series call "Enterprise" anyone remember that one with Scott Bakula <sigh Scott Bakula> as the star ?

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I do remember Enterprise and there is a part of me that doesn't want to. Well to be honest it wasn't too terrible I just couldn't get interested enough to care about the characters.



If I remember right it had to do with klingons messing around with the augmented stuff (Kahn )> I will have to watch those episodes again. I barely watched it the first time, did a rewatch but I can't remeber it too much.




I love TNG, VOY and Ds9. I had a hard time getting into ENT, and I love Scott Backula


I do enjoy some of TOS. And it is tribbles :)

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yes it was :) --- I grew up with the original Trek (yes I am that old ) ... and I was so disappointed --

but if I remember, they KIND OF explained it in the Trek series call "Enterprise" anyone remember that one with Scott Bakula <sigh Scott Bakula> as the star ?


Lol you don't have to be old to be a Trekki :). A friend I graduated college with is a huge Trekki, and she's my age (early 30s). She got it from her mom:)


I've always been into Star Wars and Return of the Jedi came out around the time I was born so... :rolleyes:

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Ok, its quite obvious it fails but I just figured I'd try to theorize about how this comes about. First factor: political instability, with both Jedi, Sith, and what remains of the Zakuul knights there remains a gap about who gets more authority, I mean sure if you are playing as SW or SI the Sith might have the upper hand and vice versa, however if you choose to be an emperor those good ol' Jedi and and their "superior" morals are going to have a problem with that. Zakuul just lost all of its leaders and just got a new one completely interrupting their way of life, and like many cases in real life those people are going to fight back.


Factor two: The Republic and the Empire. More so the Empire than the Republic, the Empire is power hungry and their just not going to let another civilization conquer their "rightful territory".


And now the trouble with storytelling, what are they going to do with the main characters? Send them back to their original factions after they (possibly) just waged war against them. I think not. They may just keep up with the Alliance until they let the game go. Idk just my thoughts on whats going to happen.


Actually if you really concider the options, it could be like what happened in a "cough" another game rhymes with cow..;) ( you know swords undead ect) and we all end up at lvl 90 being able to access a shared fleet where there is a republic and imp side we can go to which ever one we are we chose to align with but are still able to go to the original "True " factional fleet of original story but can't access say with my BH the imp side on the new fleet , no changes to guild ect and when you are on that fleet you are able to speak to those in your quasi fleet..not sure how that would work or what ever but it is an option. :rolleyes:

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