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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Aussie advice


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Hey guys, just imported the game and really enjoying it, just wanted to know what is the server most Aussies play on?

I ended up on Firaxan Shark because it had a low population but seems a bit lonely at times.

Also with your account details, did you guys sign up with an Aussie address or an "alternative" US one?

I know when I downloaded the game I couldnt register it because it knew what my region was thats why I ended up buying it from Amazon.

Once I entered the registration code everything was all good but we still cant get access to a security key.


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I know the server "The Harbinger" is one of the 'Unofficial' Official Oceanic servers. The only reason why I know is because I rolled there and was very impolitely told to leave because I wasn't Aussie.


Good luck. Have fun.


Yup, The Harbinger server is full of very rude people. The Aussies have told many people to find another server because this one is their server. Not all Aussie players are rude of course but the several I have seen in chat have been. There is no "Offficial" Oceanic server because the game has yet to be launched in their country. These rude people need to remember that BW could have blocked their access and make them wait for their own official launch date, but they did not.


So everyone needs to just relax and enjoy the game and if you do not like the game then go play something else.

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Yup, The Harbinger server is full of very rude people. The Aussies have told many people to find another server because this one is their server. Not all Aussie players are rude of course but the several I have seen in chat have been. There is no "Offficial" Oceanic server because the game has yet to be launched in their country. These rude people need to remember that BW could have blocked their access and make them wait for their own official launch date, but they did not.


So everyone needs to just relax and enjoy the game and if you do not like the game then go play something else.


BW made it so by placing the majority of oceanic guilds there.

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Hey guys, I did see The Harbringer but it seemed to populated at the time, ie: less than 20mins to login time so I thought nope I dont want that.

Think I'll stay where I'am and wait for the game release here with Oceanic servers.

And no not all Aussies are rude, one thing that worries me about any MMO is the kiddie factor as it killed WoW and those little morons are just so foul mouthed its beyond belief.

Luckily half of them arent old enough to know what Star Wars is and the other half will miss Barrens chat too much and go back.

So did all the Aussies sign up with Aussie addresses???

And no the phone app for the security device is a no goer as well, it knows your region too so wont download.

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