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Possible faction change?


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Hey Guys! Fairly new and returning player. Never finished a complete play through. And I was wondering if a Jedi going down the dark side could become a Sith or join the imperial army. Or vice versa with a Sith going down the light side to eventually become a Jedi and joining the rebels/Jedi council.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Limited faction change (1 month should) or be a option for new player and returning subscribed accounts.

So much has changed that you MUST research every single solitary decision you make regarding credits or cartel coins.

Prime examples of this is players buying vendor items then selling them on gtn and selling them @ the cartel market itself, listing items as 1 mailbox when in reality it isn't even close to 1 it is 1/1000th of a decoration and the market is FULL of these items. :mad:

As a recently returning player that has been cheated out of A LOT of both currency and coin since my return a month ago is Totally stay away from leveling any profession other than gathering. Cost roughly 5-6 mil to max level.

Become ONE with youtube SWTOR Academy (check the show more section underneath video maybe a goody bag for you) ;) ;) until you reach 70 subscribe to great guys like swtor central and kidlee. Please be careful with youtube and any form of written information in many cases you will have to dig through mountains of outdated information.

Type swtor 5.0 into search engines can help but you still have to sift through a lot. My favorites are

SWTOR community their information is set up a lot like wowhead.

Dulfy has been around since drop day a tremendous amount work has gone into the site. reddit and wiki

Role the character and faction you want and TAKE advantage of this week EXP buff, put all the credits you can into

legacy flashpoint bonus get some minor exp buff and endurance stim that persists through death from gtn you should hit 70 within the week or close to it. May the force be with you :D

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  • 2 months later...

I read an article once which summed it up nicely.


Being Sith isn't simply "being evil". Being Sith is more of a cultural thing. Going Dark Side does not make you Imperial, any more than going Light Side makes you Republic.


If you were Jack the Ripper in London, a horrific serial killer, and World War II breaks out in Europe, the Nazis would not knock on your door and say "we're here to recruit you because you're eeeeeevil." You would still be British. You would just be an evil British person.


A Jedi who wanders down the Dark Path does not become Sith. He becomes a fallen and dark Jedi. A Sith who walks the path of light does not stop being a Sith; he becomes a more pragmatic Sith. And all non-force using classes... well, being a evil Trooper means you sacrifice cilivians, you torture enemies, you engage in war crimes, but none of that affects your level of patriotism or zealotry towards the Republic. Same with an Imp Agent. You might literally get the ending of the story where you are now Republic, working inside the Empire as a double-agent, but that means the Republic is only working with you inasmuch as you continue to be their double agent, so you never actually get to stroll through the streets of Corescant as a hero.

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